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2 Ways to Voice Your Thoughts if You're an Introvert

Being an introvert, it is tough for a lot of people to communicate with the world openly. Especially in the digital age, when everyone has to be omnipresent on the web. Introverts do not only keep away from the limelight but also tend to voice their opinions discreetly. This is the main reason why so many veteran social workers and artists have never revealed their identity to the world. Visit DOE to know more about raising your voice discreetly. Here, in this article, we will guide you through a few ways to voice your thoughts as an introvert:

1.  Blog Anonymously

If you are proactive and like to voice your opinion about an issue, it is best to blog about it. However, it is better to keep your identity discreet because negative people often start hunting you for your opinions. The best way is to blog anonymously so that you can speak unapologetically. Digital media allows us all to be vociferous in terms of whatever we say. Blogging anonymously will not only allow you to let the world know about your take on a specific issue but will also open the doors to social discourse. If you search for an issue online, you will come across thousands of guest bloggers posting their opinions.

2.  Join a Community Support Group Online

If you have something to say about an ongoing issue that has the public’s interest, it is imperative for you to give your thoughts on it. There are several community support groups that bring people together. Especially if you are in a power position in your locality, it is best to give your voice to those who are less privileged and are not as educated as you are. As an introvert hiding in his/her cocoon online, it will be easy for you to navigate your thoughts. A lot of introverts are also afraid to cater to public pressure, which is why they keep away from everything. Community groups usually require people from the same locality to come forward and discuss things that are relevant to society.

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