Although you might want to believe that family life always ends with a ‘happy ever after’, this is not always true. Issues such as abuse, illness, divorce, separation, and financial struggles can affect even the happiest families, and it is important that you have a plan that can keep your child protected during this difficult time. Read on for more information about how you can help your child to cope during this period of their lives.
Hire a Lawyer
For issues such as divorce, abuse, and separation, hiring a lawyer is integral. Not only can they help you to get the settlement that you deserve, but they can also help to manage complications that are centered around your children, such as custody battles. Rather than create tension between the two parties, a lawyer can help you to come to an agreement that suits you, and which can also reduce the impact of the issue on your child. For instance, they can help to make the decisions that are best for you and your child in terms of visiting rights and financial support. To get legal advice for your individual case, Keeley’s divorce solicitor’s can help you to understand the best next steps to take for your family.
Discuss any Lifestyle Changes with Them
Family issues, such as finances, illness, and separation, can often lead to numerous lifestyle changes for your child that can disrupt their daily life, such as moving house. However, discussing these lifestyle changes with them will allow them to better understand the situation, realize boundaries, and know what to expect from the future.
However, you should try to stick to your previous routine, such as eating at the same time and attending the same school, in order to ensure that rapid changes are not made all at once. It is also important to allow them to be part of your discussions about the future, whether that is deciding where or who they want to live with, or allowing them to help you create a financial budget. Part of this discussion should be based around emphasizing that the issue is not their fault and that they are still very much loved by both of their parents.
Avoid Fighting in Front of Kids
Fighting and arguing can be very distressing for a child to witness, and can lead to them becoming disruptive and unhappy both at school and at home. Not only this, but arguing parents can often lead to kids developing mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. In fact, studies have shown that children as young as six months have an increased heart rate and amount of stress hormones when they see their parents fighting.
Find Counseling for your Child
If your child is struggling with the changes to their life, you should consider finding counseling for them with a chilren’s mental health service. You can do this by booking an appointment with your local GP, or by contacting the child’s school to ask about their counseling schemes. This can help children to talk through their problems and to recover through play and creative tasks.
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