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More About Progressive Muscle Relaxation Massage In Zurich

Have you ever experienced aching pain in the back or neck when you were under a lot of pressure and feeling stressed or anxious? When you are experiencing stress or anxiety in your daily life, one of the methods that your body uses to respond is with muscle tension. Progressive muscle relaxation is an excellent way of relieving some of that tension.

In progressive muscle relaxation, a group of muscles is tensed when you breathe in and are relaxed again once you breathe out. The muscle groups are targeted in a specific order.
Once the body is physically relaxed, you will not feel anxious. Practicing progressive muscle relaxation treatment for a couple of weeks can help you with bettering the skill, and in time, you will be capable of using the method yourself for relieving stress.

When you initially begin, it might help to utilize an audio recording until you have successfully memorized all the muscle groups in their order. You can find audio recordings for progressive muscle relaxation at your library or local bookstore.

Progressive muscle relaxation is also used for people that have trouble sleeping or falling asleep.

How Is Progressive Muscle Relaxation Performed?

The Procedure
An audio recording can be utilized to help you with focusing on each muscle group, or you can memorize the order of muscle groups and perform the exercise from memory. It is best to do so at a place with no interruptions where it is possible to lie down on your back and stretch out, like on a carpeted floor. You can also make a booking at Origin Massage Zurich Altstetten for a relaxing massage or progressive muscle relaxation to help you get rid of excess tension.

You begin by breathing in and tensing the first muscle group hard (but not to the point of feeling cramping or pain) for four to ten seconds.
Breathe out and wholly and instantly relax the must group (avoid relaxing it gradually)
Now relax for ten to twenty seconds before starting on the next muscle group. Pay attention to the difference between how your muscles feel when they are tensed or how they feel when relaxed.
Once you are finished with all the muscle groups, you can count backward from five to one to return your focus back to the present.

The Muscle Groups And The Order In Which They Have To Be Tensed:

Hands – to be clenched.
Forearms and wrists – To be extended, bending the hands back at the wrists.
Upper arms and biceps – Start by clenching the hands into fists, bend the arms at the elbows, and flex the biceps.
Shoulders – raise them towards your ears (shrugging).
Forehead – wrinkling the forehead into a deep frown.
Around your eyes and the bridge of your nose – close your eyes tightly.
Jaws and cheeks – smiling as widely as possible.
Around your mouth – press the lips tightly together (you only want to use the lips and not the entire face).
Back of your neck – press the back of the head against a chair or the floor.
Front of the neck – touching your chin to the chest.
Chest – taking a deep breath and holding it for four to ten seconds.
Back – arching your back upwards and away from a chair or the floor.
Stomach – sucking your stomach into a tight knot.
Buttocks and hips – press the buttocks tightly together.
Lower legs – pointing your toes towards your face and then away while curling them at the same time.

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