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Kid Approved Healthy and Delicious Meals Delivered To Your Doorstep From NurtureLife

Thanks to NurtureLife for providing me with product to review. All thoughts shared are my own.

There is definitely no shortage of food delivery companies that are popping up all over social media as of late, especially chilled services like Absolutely Couriers. I decided to expand our horizons a bit and try the one company that I found specifically catering to children! My two little ones have two very different palates. Did I just find a gold mine?!

I'm going to attempt to contain my excitement to a socially acceptable level but honestly, I don't know if that's going to be possible. "Just make sure you type coherently, remembering all of the many grammatical rules that come along with writing", she tells herself as she bops excitedly in her wheeled office chair.

To put it simply: NurtureLife is for kids. They get it. Do you think that means I did not enjoy these meals? Absolutely not. Sharing is caring, right? 

However, when you offer food options that begin in infancy and stretch to fourteen and up, you just understand the way children want to eat. 

I wanted to try NurtureLife because we hit a point where life was getting a little bit busy and I realized we had been eating out a couple too many times for my liking. There is nothing wrong with eating out! My kids have their favorite fast food places, just like the next. However, if we are eating out more than once during the week, it begins to become noticeable in more ways than one. So we buckled down and my husband and I decided to do our best to not eat our during the week at all. 
(Coffee excluded. I'm not an animal!)

I love to cook healthy meals for my family and from the very beginning, I have been making my kids food. That does include baby food. Having kids was a big turning point for us when it came to our health and for the first time, we needed to make sure we were healthy for these two little boys!

That intro is crazy long and I do apologize for that. I just need you to know that even though we do treat ourselves and we do eat out sometimes, eating healthy AT HOME is a huge priority for me and something that NurtureLife is helping us to do.

So basically, when you head over to the website, you choose the plan based on the age of your child. For us, we chose the 4 to 8 program since we have a 7 and 8 year old. We want to try the older category next time just to compare the portion sizes and menu options. Because I was working with an amazing NurtureLife rep, I had her choose some favorites for us! I wanted to be surprised. I also wanted my kids to expand their horizons just a bit and try some new things that I may not have chosen. 

The recipes are designed by Pediatric Dieticians and Chefs and are made with the best ingredients to provide outstanding dishes that kids LOVE. There are no preservatives, no articifical ingredients and everything tastes fresh and amazing. 

They sent us an amazing assortment of meals! 

The meals come on ice and are easy to heat up and serve. If you've been wanting to try a meal delivery service specifically for your children, to ensure they are eating a balanced and healthy diet, NurtureLife is the way to go. 

On the left, my big guy is eating the chicken bites with mashed sweet potatoes and green beans. On the right, he is enjoying mac and cheese with cauliflower. I had a couple bites of their meals and I can honestly say, they were both absolutely delicious. The mac and cheese was out of this world! Those plates were completely emptied!

I asked them to tell me HONESTLY (it's ok if they don't like it and they can tell me!) if they liked it and this is what they did. They know they can be honest if they do not prefer something. I would rather them tell me and I always appreciate when they try something and eat some of it, even if they do not love it. However, they both loved these meals. 

A couple of the other STAND OUT options that were included in our box was the teriyaki chicken with brown rice and cheesy chicken pomodoro. These two were probably my favorites. The flavors are amazing! The meals in this package average around $10/meal. This is making sure all of the healthful food groups are included and recipes that are curated with that specific age range in mind, meeting all necessary dietary needs. I find that to be a truly unique feature. 

This is the cheesy chicken pomodoro pasta that I was talking about. One thing I noticed about this that may not be a big deal to some, but to me, it is everything. The chicken was immaculately trimmed. I did not notice one piece of chicken that had things on it you do not want to bite into. You know what I'm talking about. Every bite was perfection. Honestly, are we at a fancy Italian restaurant or was this delivered to my house in a box because I dare you to try and differentiate. 

NurtureLife caters to babies and has amazing mashed whole foods with soft finger food options once baby gets closer to that 1 year mark. If you're a busy mama, this is such a great option. Nothing like this existed that I knew of, 9 years ago when I had my first baby. Another great idea is to just supplement with NurtureLife a week or two out of the month. 

At least for those couple of weeks, you know your kiddos are eating extremely well! You can pause weeks at anytime and cancel if you need to. The website is very user-friendly. If you want to check it out, just head over and start browsing through the menu options. 

You can even gift NurtureLife to someone in your life that you know could use a little extra help! What a delightful surprise to receive healthy and delicious meals for your kids.


If you head over to their website now, you can get $30 off your first order by using the code: BLOCKPARTY!

Who doesn't love to save?! NurtureLife is changing the food delivery game and I'm loving it. Be sure to stay up to date with everything they have going on in the future by following them on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

I want to thank our friends at NurtureLife for sending over some delicious meals for my kiddos to try out. We are huge fans!


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