The minute you become a parent, you give up so much of your freedom. Freedom to do what you want, when you want. You lose the freedom of sleep, use the bathroom alone (I mean really, when is the last time you didn't have a potty cheerleader standing in front of you or used the bathroom as a hiding place?), picking up and heading out the door at the drop of a hat, drinking a nice and warm cup of coffee, etc.
While some days I feel like I've lost a sense of freedom, I've gained SO much more with the two darling gals that God has given me. I've gained more love from these tiny little souls than I could have ever imagined. I've gained laughter, smiles, potty dancing skills, snuggles, hugs and kisses.
I've gained hope in humanity for their generation. I've gained a tribe of women who have gone from being my closest friends, to a Momma tribe who love my children like their own. I've gained new Momma friends and new tiny human friends. I've gained so much more than I have lost!
I'm well aware that the freedoms that I have, would not be possible without the brave women and men that serve our beautiful country. How lucky we are to have so many women and men who are willing to sacrifice their own freedom and lives to give us our own. Have you really ever thought about that? There are women and men who are willing to give up time with their own loved ones so that we can have the freedom to spend as much time that we want with our own. Not only do those brave men and women serve our county, but their families give up so much of themselves. Military spouses you are unsung heroes! We are the land of the free, because of the brave!
Mommas on the days where you feel discouraged and feel like you've lost who you once were, think of all that you have gained from your littles. While you've given up many of your "freedoms", your littles have given you so much more.
Happy 4th of July!
What have you gained or learned from your littles?
Leave a comment below or catch me on MBP social media @mommysblockparty on Facebook or @storyofthemomlife on IG.
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