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Weekends with the Wigglesworths- Let's Party!

Happy Saturday, friends! Can you believe we're in the last weekend of January? Now, if I could just have the rest of the winter season pass as quickly, I'll be a happy camper. Especially, after our most recent snow storm.

I appreciated the snow a bit, this past storm, especially because it gave us Tuesday off. However, I did not appreciate being stuck at home because of it. Our roads were horrendous and this Mama does not drive in it, even though my car does have 4-wheel drive.  Thankfully, the snow is gone now, which is great because we have plans for the weekend.

Today, R has a birthday party to attend so I will bring her. Matt is going to bring D to the movies to see Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. I don't know how I keep getting roped into doing the birthday parties, I'd much rather go to the movies, but I know that R is excited to celebrate with her friend so I'll just be happy for her and try not to get caught up in the chaos that tends to make up kids' parties. 

Tomorrow, we'll be heading to Grams' house. We didn't get to visit last weekend because of the snow and boy did we miss her a bunch. It's nice getting together with her and just sitting at the kitchen table having a cup of coffee chatting about everything and nothing. 

I hope that you guys have a great weekend! 


  1. I'm with you on preferring movies over birthday parties! lol!

  2. My kids went to see that Spiderman movie and really enjoyed it. No snow this weekend for us - YAY!


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