Thank you to Kamui for the product. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Our family is outdoors more often now that we have little ones. I want to make sure they are well-balanced kids and have time to experience the outdoors. Kamui Camping and Outdoor Equipment makes products that are perfect to take with you on any outdoor excursion. The Waterproof Fleece Blanket is soft, a great size, and easy to fold back up and put into the bag.
Kamui Camping and Outdoor Equipment strives to produce simple yet functional products. They are all of the highest quality to accompany you on your greatest adventures. I've been lucky enough to also review Kamui's Self-Inflating Sleeping Pad. The pad along with the waterproof blanket are a winning combo for anyone who loves camping and being outdoors.
I tend to be skeptical when products claim that they are waterproof as many have disappointed me in the past. With two little ones, they definitely test whether a variety of materials and products really are waterproof, durable, etc.
It has been really cold here and it just snowed again recently so I took the blanket out into the snow to try it out. Both of my kids sat on it and I stretched out and not once did any of us get wet.
Not only that, but I flipped up a corner of the blanket and no snow even stuck to the blanket!
I'm so impressed how Kamui aspires to create long-lasting, practical products and is able to follow through with exceptional skill.
Want it? Buy it!
At $26 on Amazon, Kamui's Waterproof Fleece Blanket is a steal. It's so soft, durable, and truly waterproof making any outdoor adventure more enjoyable.
Where would you like to use Kamui's outdoor products?
It has been so cold all over the country. I bet alot of people can use this right now. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com