Have you ever considered making your home into an office? For some, the idea of working from home is completely alien to their way of thinking and the daily rhythms that make up their working and home life but for some of us, it might just be the solution you’ve been searching for.
Think of the advantages, you can set your own hours if you’re working for yourself, you don’t have to rush to get the kids to school, then onwards for the daily grind of the commute, you may even be able to cut back on pre and post-school clubs and be there for pick ups, at least some of the time. You’ll save wear and tear, not to mention money on your fuelling costs too.
But there are pitfalls too, finding a job that suits your timing and skills and the temptation to spend your time fixing up your home, doing some washing, just tidying up that room or getting dinner ready.
There are two choices when it comes to home working: take your existing job out of the office and jump on the remote working train or create a whole new life for yourself setting up your own business. We’re going to take a look at the former and how you might be able to persuade your boss that working from home is just the answer he didn’t know he was looking for. We also look at some of the pitfalls and perils of setting up your own home office environment.
Finding the balance between work and life
Depending on your negotiation skills you could well get your working hours set around your home life commitments. The problem comes when you find your work life bleeding into your home hours and find it next to impossible to switch off and close down that computer. You know, in theory at least, that email can wait until the following morning but it can be next to impossible to step away when your home is also your place of work.
It might be that your home is a little too cozy to accommodate the creation of a home office but even if you don’t have space or have any intention of calling on the services of Altrua to help you move, you must dedicate a space to working that doesn’t feel like it’s too much of an intrusion. Working at a dining table instead of on your sofa will give you a sense of formality and place.
For the first few days you’ll likely find that you get a fair amount of work done as the peace and quiet cancels out all distractions but there are benefits to working in a busy office and the life, fun and conversation while distracting can also help you get through a tough day. To counteract any feelings of isolation make sure you check in regularly with teammates and plan to go into your office once or twice a month if possible.
Some jobs just don’t translate
If you set your own projects, work at your own speed and are able to carry out your tasks solo, then you’re in an ideal position to work from home. Difficulties arise of course when you’re working as part of a team and have shared tasks to carry out. That’s not to say that working remotely is impossible, it just needs a little organization and for everyone to be on board. Ultimately the key to making it work is excellent communication, that and some task sharing software that can help you all keep track of your work and all the tasks that have been assigned.
It might take a little practice and a little trial and error but if you can make it work then home working can be a hugely rewarding experience. Being able to have some quiet time to think, to have a coffee when you feel like it and not be interrupted by that colleague who won’t leave you alone, it can be an incredibly productive experience.
Get the tech side right
If you’re going to get your communication on point then you’ll need to have the tech support that you have in your office. Get your tech team to make sure you’re not letting a slow internet connection slow you down and prevent you from putting in your best performance.
Similarly, make sure you fully understand how your phone and billing system is going to work. Will you be claiming expenses back or be given an allowance?
Committing to working from home is a brave step and one that needs careful consideration before you commit to it 100 percent.
Do your research. Read what business experts and lifestyle bloggers have to say and talk to anyone you know who has a similar experience of this set up.
Finding your own perfect working setup is not something that should be impossible. In the age of on-the-go, mobile offices, virtual private networks (VPN) and technology that works everywhere, the move towards smarter, more convenient working is underway. Countless studies show that home-based workers are equally, if not more productive than their office-based counterparts and achieve a greater work/life balance being able to juggle family and work commitments more evenly.
However you choose to work, wherever you choose to work from you deserve the chance to make the best of your home and work life.
Transform some space in your life for a home office and feel the difference that taking charge of your life means. Make sure you have the support of your management team and your co-workers and that you are adequately set up tech-wise. Be disciplined in how you spend your time and make sure when it’s time to switch off, that you do just that, switch off.
However you organize your work/life balance, find a way that works for you and start as you mean to go on, getting the very best out of both worlds.
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