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Add a Natural Burst of Flavor to Your Food with TESSEMAE'S All Natural

This is a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions shared are my own.

I am finally getting back into the kitchen, and it's glorious! Let me explain- I had a baby in early April, and for the past four months, I have been readjusting to life. I have mostly felt like I've been chained to the chair I breastfeed Baby S in, and haven't done much else. Now that she's a little older, we're going longer stretched in between feedings, and I am getting back to doing some of the things I love, like exercising, cooking, writing, etc. I told my husband just the other night how much I have missed cooking these past few months (he has done the majority of it), and am glad to have the time to try some new recipes.

Tessemae's All Natural

I have been so excited to try some yummy marinades and dressings from Tessemae's All Natural. I have been struggling to lose the baby weight this time around (I gained around 50 lbs with Baby S!), and am trying to make meals as healthy as possible for myself and the rest of my family. Tessemae's makes over 20 different dressings, marinades and condiments, which are packed full of flavor and are USDA Organic Certified. This is music to my ears! 

My hubby isn't as adventurous as I am when it comes to ting out different flavors on meats and the like. I like my food to tatse anything but plain- give me some citrus and spice! I was excited to receive four different dressings/marinades to try from Tessemae's! We received Lemon Garlic, Balsamic, Honey Balsamic, and Green Goddess Dressings/Marinades.

Balsamic was delicious as a Steak Marinade!

Right off the bat, I knew I would love all of these. They're beautifully packaged in dindividual bottled, and wax sealed. I was eager to try thr Balsamic and Honey Balsamic flavors with my husband. The Balsamic was a wonderful addition to an otherwise boring steak dinner. I used the Balsamic as a steak marinade for London Broil. I let the meat marinate for several hours in the refrigerator, and hubby grilled it up for our dinner. We served it with baked potatoes, and sauteed zucchini. The steak was so flavorful and delicious! The marinade packed a punch of flavor, which I loved!

Balsamic and Honey Balsamic flavors.

The Honey Balsamic marinade was equally delicious. I marinated some chicken breasts in this flavor, and we grilled up the chicken, served with steamed broccoli and rice. We're trying so hard not to eat out during the week- both to save money, and to stay healthy. We both loved the flavor of the chicken. It was so juicy, and had a sweet tangy taste, which was perfect alongside the broccoli and rice. It was a much healthier, lighter version of what we're used to when we order take-out. Finally, a meal we can enjoy and feel good about eating!

Lemon Garlic and Green Goddess flavors.

The Lemon Garlic dressing and marinade is another flavor that works so beautifully with chicken. My hubby isn't a fan of lemon, so I save this one for nights I know he won't be home. I marinade chicken in this one, and then cook it up in a pan. In another pan, I cook up some pasta (usually angel hair), and then marry the two together. I just add a little Parmesan cheese to the dish. The marinade and the juce from the chicken flavors the pasta so beautifully!

The Green Goddess Dressing is my favorite salad dressing of all time. It's so delicious, and works so well with just about anything I put in my salad. My salads have to be quick and simple to make. I almost always have Baby S in my arms when it's time to make lunch for everyone. I pre-wash my veggies and slice/chop what I need for a salad the night before while I am prepping lunches. I toss together Romaine lettuce, cucumber, carrot slices, (sometimes) tomato, onion, and grilled chicken. I drizzle the Green Goddess Dressing over it to taste. It's like a symphony in my mouth- it's so fresh, so clean, and so delicious!

All of the dressings and marinades that I have tried from Tessemae's have been amazing. I can't wait to try some of their other flavors!

I am so guilty of just tossing a salad dressing onto a salad to using one as a marinade without really reading th labels (bad mommy!). I know that I can do better for the sake of my family, and switching to Tessamae's is a great way to start making that change.

Want it? Get it!

Look for Tessemae's in stores such as Harris Teeter, Publix, and Whole Foods. Head on over to Tessemae's to learn more about their products or to shop online. Connect with Tessemae's on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.

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