Where would you go on your perfect dream vacation?
This is the current discussion in my house! There are SO many places in this world to go! My hubby and I have taken a few vacations pre-children. We did Disney with our oldest when she was 4... Then, our Irish Twins came along!!! They are 11 months apart, and kept us home bound for YEARS! We went for so long without a family vacation, and finally the kids are all old enough to travel and have fun and we don't have to worry about naps and buggys and diaper bags!
Pre-Kids, we have done New York & Vegas. Vegas a few times. It seems to be our go to when we are childless. We went for our 10 year wedding anniversary too =) We don't even like to gamble... but the food, and the shops, and the shows... did I mention the SHOWS? LOVE it!!! But really, five trips to Vegas... there has to be something else out there to do. LOL! What is your perfect CHILDLESS vacation? I don't know... when the time comes, more than likely we will end up back in Vegas. It's our go to... but I would love to hear from you and hear some of your suggestions!
As far as family vacations go... we seem to always think Florida. Okay, maybe I always think FL ;)
Here we were, as a family of three... in the most magical place on Earth!
This seems like a lifetime ago... but Miss M, who is now 12, remembers it all like it was yesterday!
What an amazing trip that was. That was our first Family Trip. We actually went with my Mom & Dad, and my Brother & sister-in-law. We had so much fun! Miss M was the only kid on that trip! 6 adults and 1 kid... it was so easy then! hehehe. The one thing I always say about that vacation is, that it blows my mind that my whole family went, stayed in 3 rooms next to each other, and we had 3 TOTALLY different vacations! My hubby, Miss M & I had the kid trip, my brother and sister in law had the crazy adventures and thrill rides trip, and my parents had a relaxing, wine sipping, food eating, strolling along trip. And you know what? From ages 4-64.... we ALL had the time of our lives!
So, Fast Forward 7 years.... For our first vacation as a family of 5, Back to Disney we went!
And here we are, back at the most Magical Place on Earth!
7 years later, Miss M loved every second of it. I worried she was getting to old for "the magic" but she certainly wasn't! It was so awesome watching the three of them. From rides to characters, it was awesome.
So this year, we decided to do Florida again! This time we did Universal! It was AMAZING!
My Minions met minions!!!!!!
We all met 15 foot tall Transformers! Hello SO SUPER COOL!
We traveled to Jurassic Park!!!
They met Superheroes & Villians!
We traveled into Hogwarts and Simpson-land, we met so many cool characters, and rode so many cool rides!!! Not to mention, we stayed at the Hard Rock Hotel, which was beautiful and had a pool we could have all lived in ;)
So where do we go from here? The kids would love to just keep going to FL. They actually think they want to MOVE to Florida!!! I mean sitting here in 20 degrees below zero weather today right outside of Chicago, it doesn't seem like a bad idea!!! I could do Florida weather!!! But there is so much more out there! Where do you go? What does your perfect family trip look like?
My hubby and I have such different ideas of what is next! I want to go back to Disney... I mean it will have been 2 years by time we would go back. He wants to go to the mountains. His perfect vacation looks more like what I'd imagine just the two of us doing... or all of us doing as the kids were all a bit older. He wants to relax, and fish, and rent a boat. But I think about the looks on my kids faces as they met all these characters at both Disney and Universal... and I think about all the rides that they LOVED and re-tell the stories about over and over and over, and to me... that is what is perfect.
Where would you go on YOUR perfect dream vacation?
We have done Disneyland and Universal of Hollywood. It was so much. My sis in law.just moved to FL so now looking forward to DisneyWorld :)