Happy 2016 Momma's!!!!! I can't believe the New Year is upon us!!
I am never one big on making resolutions, but this year I have one BIG one. I want a family game night. Once a month. A different game each month... All 5 of us. No electronics, just some good old fashion family game time!
This is a great one, as it wasn't just FUN, it is super educational... and the mom in me always like to sneak in learning when they don't really know they are learning!
Master B & Princess MK couldn't wait to bust this one open!!
I mean EXPLOSION is in the name!!! and there is a VOLCANO!
The volcano is folded in half for storage and is made of a very thin plastic. I was worried when we first opened it... but if you fold it in the opposite direction it was stored, and then put the clear cup in the center... it really is quite sturdy. I was surprised!
so you will need to have those on hand =)
They could not wait to play!!!!
Science Explosion
Learn all about the different fields of sciences and be the first player to explode the volcano. Science Explosion includes two exciting games in one! Match science-based topic cards to master cards in one game and use memory and strategy skills in another game! The game comes with a large laminated two-sided board, volcano, bowl, 4 colored measuring cups, clear measuring cup, 16 science master cards, and 80 science topic cards. Get ready for a science adventure! Wahoo! It's time to burn rubber and discover! (Ages: 5 and up)
There are actually two different games; one on each side of the game board. We played the game with explosions!!! When you draw the cards to play, you need to take the time to read them so you learn a lot of different science information and facts. The excitement of the game is being able to add baking soda to your cup and the winner gets to add their cup to the vinegar in the volcano to make it explode!
It is a super easy concept of laying out their "Master Cards" then drawing the "Topic Card"
Once they match a Topic Card with their Master Cards, they get to start moving around the board, adding baking soda to their cups and being able to swap cards.
Once they draw all 5 topic cards matched to one of their master cards, They get to add the soda to the volcano!
B won the 1st round!!!!!
Miss MK won the 2nd round! we played matching one master card each round so they could make more explosions =)
Here it is in action!!! They LOVED it! We continued to play to make at least 3 more volcanos explode each!!
They had a BLAST playing, and clean up was easy peasy!
WANT IT?!? BUY IT!!!!!
The Magic School Bus Science Explosion Board Game
is available online at
and more!!
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