Check out the Video all about Pet treater!
There are so many different plans !
You can try it for 1 month, or do subscriptions for 3, 6, or 12 months!
I value our box to have about $80 worth of goodies in it! So for just a one month plan, that's a HUGE savings!!!!
At Pet Treater, They believe that
Our pets are part of our family, and we work hard to provide the best for them.

As pet fanatics ourselves, we felt compelled to share with the world a thoughtfully
curated box of items that will surely delight you and your pets.
curated box of items that will surely delight you and your pets.

We're also conscious when it comes to our wallets, so you can be 100% confident that
each box you receive will be worth far more than the price of your subscription. Guaranteed.
each box you receive will be worth far more than the price of your subscription. Guaranteed.
This is the December Box!!
I just LOVE these boxes! they are so bright and colorful and make it feel extra special from the second you open it!
Look at all the adorableness!!! LOVE it!!!
One of my favorite parts of these boxes is the letters! Take a second and read it! SOOOOOO cute =)
In our Box this month was a Christmas squeak toy. Sookie loves it. she carries it around everywhere!
My oldest daughter had to put this on Sookie immediately. How cute!
This toy is so cool! The kids and I hear nothing.... but as soon as you squeeze it, Sookie comes running! I have NEVER seen something like this before! so unique and FUN!
And a treat for us humans!! My daughters LOVED this treat for them... and filled them out for their friends. Super cute "Human Bonus"
And just in time for Star Wars!!!!! a Chewbacca leash!!! My Hubby was SUPER excited about this!!!
And of course the treats!!! Sookie LOVES these treats!
And these ;) She just sits by the fridge until someone comes to give her one!!! We recently went on vacation, and Sookie got boarded while we were gone... When we got back and picked her up... She ran around the house like a crazy... got her Christmas squeak toy... and ran and sat by the fridge till someone got her a few of these treats!!! She missed them while we were gone!
And seriously, how cute is this?!?!? We are saving it for her for Christmas morning, but know it's going to be a HUGE hit!
Once again, Sookie was WAY happy with her Pet Treater monthly box!!!!! We got all sorts of love after unloading this box to her!!! From the box to the toys to the treats... These boxes cannot be beat! They are personalized and adorable and stocked full of adorableness and tasty treats!
Is a monthly ONLINE service!
And keep up with all things Pet Treater by following them on
Check them out! I guarantee your dog baby will not be mad that you did!!! =)
What a fun and cute idea! My dog would love this:)