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H.O.P.E in a Box #holidaygiftguide #review

Thank you to Hope in a Box for providing me with a sample of their product free of charge, in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions below are my own.
Hope in a Box LLC is a Christian based, family owned business that aims to spread the message to H.O.P.E. (Hang On Pray Everyday). The company specializes in inspirational gifts such as coffee mugs, t-shirts, hats, and backpacks. They are meant to serve as a reminder to never forget God's presence in your life or plan for you, even in the toughest times. I know I can stand to be reminded of that very thing every once in awhile.

I was so excited to receive my H.O.P.E. in a Box!

I was provided with the Hope in a Box for Sporty Mom Box for review. The box it shipped in was sturdy, and clearly identified what was being delivered. Upon opening, the contents were placed and wrapped thoughtfully- definitely a plus when sending a gift directly from the shipper.

I love the cute tissue print.

 The items were layered between sheets of tissue paper which gives a little element of surprise. Inside the Sporty Mom Box I found a bookmark, pen with notepad, tee-shirt, hat, and wrist band. There was also some information about the company and ordering information.  

Wrist band and tee-shirt

Lots of goodies!

The items chosen for the box are useful, and will definitely serve as a reminder to H.O.P.E when I see them. The hat and shirt are cute. the colors are all very wearable. Pink, purple, and black all work for me and both can easily be thrown on with some jeans, or sweatpants.

Rocking my awesome inspirational shirt and hat!

Serve as a reminder for others that may need one.

There are several different ways to send Hope in a Box. There seems to be a box for every type of person I can think of. You can also purchase individual items, or put together your own combination of gifts to send H.O.P.E. in a box.

I think that Hope in a Box is a very nice, uplifting option for a gift. The fact that you can really customize a box for anybody you are shopping for is awesome. I also love that there is noticeable care taken in packaging of the box. Not always the case when ordering online for somebody else. I could see myself ordering one of these for the hubby, or one of the older boys. Thanks again to Hope in a Box for the opportunity to review their product! 

Want it? Buy it!
 Check out hopeinabox.com to see their whole line-up of inspirational gifts and attire. You can also find them on facebook, twitter, pinterest, and instagram.

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