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Holiday Traditions with Among Friends Baking Mixes #Holiday15

Thank you to Among Friends® for providing me with product, free of charge, in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions shared below are my own. 

I LOVE this time of the year! I can't think of anything that  I look forward to as much as listening to holiday music, watching our favorite holiday movies, decorating our Christmas tree, and participating in other holiday traditions.

 One of my favorite holiday traditions has always been baking cookies. I remember baking cookies for the holidays with my Mom and sisters when we were younger and I love that I can continue that tradition with my own daughters.
As much as I do love baking, sometimes (especially around the holidays), time is just not always on my side. It has become an "all hands on deck" kind of event in our house, and because of that, all of the prep work and cleaning takes about 3 times longer than it used to. Thankfully, Among Friends® Baking Mixes help us create goodies that are "homemade without the hassle". 

Now, if you've been following Mommy's Block Party for a while, you might remember that I had the chance to work with Among Friends® shortly after I joined the MBP team. When we were contacted to work with them again, I was beyond thrilled. I remembered from the last time, that not only did their mixes cause us to spend less time on prep work and cleaning (which is always a plus, particularly so when you have young ones), but the cookies that came as the end result were some of the best cookies I have ever tasted in my entire life. 

When our Shane's Molasses Ginger Cookie Mix arrived, I was even more excited. This was one of the mixes that we had the pleasure of sampling before. With a taste similar to gingerbread, but better, this is an excellent choice for a holiday cookie. I am actually kind of kicking myself for not using the mini gingerbread cookie cutters that my Gram just gave us last month! 

Drew Reading the Instructions as Reese "Listens". 

Once the directions were made clear, we got straight to work:

First, we add the Mix to the Bowl.
We then added some softened butter, an egg, and some vanilla.. 

The Girls Got To Work Stirring
The mix was a little hard to work with using just the whisks, so I intervened and worked all of the ingredients together with my hands.

At This Point, I Was Tempted to Roll The Dough Out Into One Large Cookie

Once the ingredients were well combined, I used the handy cookie scoop and placed scoops of cookie dough onto the baking tray. 

Ready to Go in the Oven

We put the cookies in and set the timer for 7 minutes (the directions say bake 7-9 minutes). They weren't quite finished at the 7 minute mark, so we kept them in the oven for another 2 minutes.

And Voila! The Cookies, Fresh Out of the Oven!

Now, these cookies are absolutely wonderful as is, but we decided to add a little cookie flair and whipped up a quick  icing (1/2 cup of confectioners sugar, 1 Tablespoon of water).

Reese Was Really Into "Painting" the Cookies with the Icing. 

Drew Just Wanted to Eat the Cookies, Icing or No Icing! 

Frosted  Molasses Ginger Cookies
The cookies smelled and looked amazing but, we still had do a taste test before sharing them with others! One question remained; "Will the girls even eat them?" 


Both Drew and Reese loved these cookies this time around! We brought them to our friends' home for a small group meeting and they were a hit there too! I think we're going to have to stock up on this particular mix, and a few of the others, for winter break and snow days! 

Want It? Buy It!

You can order "Shane's Molasses Ginger Cookie Mix" online at the Among Friends® Online Shop.
While you are at it, check out some of the other great mixes! We highly recommend the "Evan's Heavenly Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Mix". If you need these mixes now and don't want to wait for a delivery (I don't blame you one bit), you can use the Store Locator to find a store near you that carries the mixes for pick up today! 
Be sure to connect with Among Friends® on all of their social media channels, including FacebookInstagram, and Twitter

Happy Holidays! 

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