Teleflora Artful Elegance Bouquet Review by Kelly's Thought's On Things...
I love walking into my kitchen and seeing beautiful flowers sitting on my island. The scent that fills the room is so nice. I love receiving a bouquet of flowers from my family on those special occasions. One place I like to order flowers from is Teleflora. I know they always have a beautiful selection of bouquets to pick from and the flowers are always the freshest and most beautiful!
This Mother’s Day, why don't you head on over to Teleflora and pick out a flower setting to send to that special lady in your life. Nothing can brighten a room more than a mothers smile, when she opens the door and finds a beautiful bouquet of flowers being delivered to her.
I received this beautiful Artful Elegance Bouquet from Teleflora and even though I knew that it was coming, when I opened my door to receive them, I couldn't help but smile. The setting is so beautiful and the vase, well that is something else. I collect vases and this one is really beautiful. The colors of the vase are really pretty and the flowers were so pretty. I have them sitting on my desk, so I can look at them while I am working.
My mom passed away a few years ago,but when we gave her flowers for Mother's Day she loved them. It was a special moment for her whenever that florist came to the door for her. A hand-arranged, hand-delivered floral bouquet from Teleflora is a wonderful gift that helps communicate how much mom is loved and appreciated for all that she does. Whats even better is that Teleflora partnered with, the world’s leading family history service, to pay tribute to mom with a fanciful 3-in-1 floral present. Anyone who purchases Teleflora’s Beautiful Butterfly Bouquet or Teleflora’s Artful Elegance Bouquet will receive a complimentary exclusive-to-Teleflora one-month membership to, valued at $19.99 to trace mom’s roots.
Give your mom the gift of Flowers this Mother's Day and order her a beautiful bouquet from Teleflora.
One winner will receive the Artful Elegance Bouquet from Teleflora ($94.95). This Giveaway is open to US only, ages 18 and older. The Giveaway will run from May 3, 2015 until 12:00 pm EST on May 7, 2015. One entry per household. This blog is not responsible for prize fulfillment. Enter using the Giveaway Tools Form Below. Good Luck! Winner is subject to eligibility verification.
I'd love to give this to my grandmother who is recently bed-ridden and could use a bunch of cheering up.
ReplyDeleteI would give to mom if I won this one.
Every time I am in this area I have to stop by this Flower Delivery New York service. Her pre-made arrangements go for about $10, but sometimes I will splurge and have her add more, which will go for about $20.