Happy Easter! Christ is Risen! What a glorious morning! For my family, Easter is a busy day, but a joyful one, filled with celebration! We spend our morning at church, helping to lead Easter worship. Our morning is filled with joyful singing, praising God, and celebrating our Risen Lord and Savior. What a joy it was for me to lead my brothers and sisters in Christ, in singing Kari Jobe's beautiful song, Forever. You can take a listen below- it's such a beautiful song of praise for Easter!
This afternoon, I'll be looking forward to a yummy Easter meal with B, and my parents. Hubby has been in Washington, D.C. this weekend, playing for Easter Sunday services at the Ft. Meyer Army Base. He'll be home later today, and we can't wait to see him. It's so nice for us to be able to spend Easter with my mom and dad, though. We have spent the weekend at their house, having fun, and coloring Easter eggs. This afternoon, we'll have an Easter egg hunt, and we'll enjoy watching B discover what the Easter Bunny has brought for him.
Easter Memories...

2014- Easter project

2014 Easter Egg Hunt- Fulton Heights

Easter Saturday- 2013 at the NC Transportation Museum

Easter afternoon 2012

Easter 2012

Balian's First Easter- 2011
We're looking forward to making new memories today, and celebrating new life in Christ. What are some of your Easter traditions?
Wishing you and yours a blessed Easter!

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