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Getting to Know You Thursdays

Thanks for dropping by to get to know the MBP team of contributors a little better. This week, we're catching up with MBP Jr. Contribtor, Emily.

Good Eats-What's for Dinner Tonight?
It's a toss up! The two items left on the weekly menu that haven't been made are:
1-Garlic & (dairy free) Parmesan spaghetti squash with fish sticks and broccoli 
2-Chopped chicken & Brussels sprout salad with walnuts and bacon. 
Which should I make?


Whatcha Reading?
Reading...is that where you sit quietly with a book for a while? My little busybody of a 10 month old makes it hard to find a lot of time to turn pages, but I'm slowly (like 5 pages a week!) working on Anne Lamott's Operating Instructions: A Journal of My Son's First Year. I'm on page 41, or maybe 14, it's been a while since I picked it up! 


Listening to Anything Good?
These days it's mostly the Raffi channel on iTunes, but we've also been singing along to Billy Joel's greatest hits since I just bought concert tickets for December on a bit of a whim (but bonus: husband doesn't have to do any Christmas shopping this year!). 

Whatcha Been Watching?
Confession time...I puffy heart love Nashville! It's my escape when little man snoozing in my arms. Thank goodness for Hulu on my iPhone! Luke recently had a work trip to the actual city of Nashville and, much to my dismay we couldn't tag along, so he brought this fantastic souvenir back for baby G.


I Dreamed a Dream of....
I was at a destination wedding in the mountains somewhere and the bride (no idea who she was) asked me to be her wedding planner at the last minute. 

What I'm Loving this Week....
Baby otters! Monterrey Bay Aquarium posted a live feed (OtterCam!) and some pictures of a rescued twin on Facebook earlier this week and I can't get enough. Unrelated, we just started swim lessons and Grant's class is called OtterBaby! He loves the water as much as the real baby otter. 

I am So Done With...
Any kind of shoes that aren't flip flops. I pretty much wore them last year from March (hello pregnant lady feet!) until November. I'm trying to show a little more restraint this year but they're so easy, go with everything, and are cheap and comfy. Come on Spring! 

Thanks for taking the time to get to know me a bit better! I'd love to read some of your answers to these questions, too- feel free to leave them in the comment section!

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