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Getting to Know You Thursday

Thanks for dropping by to get to know the MBP team of bloggers a little better. This week, we're catching up with MBP Founder, Ondria.

Good Eats- What's For Dinner Tonight?

Ever since I re-posted the Taco Braid recipe on the MBP Facebook page last week, it's been all my hubby has talked about! Here's the Taco Braid Recipe, if you want to try it- it's super yummy, and is a great twist on regular old tacos! We'll be enjoying this tonight- it's a family favorite!


Whatcha Reading?

Don't laugh. I am reading L. Frank Baum's Oz books. There are fourteen books in the series, and I bought them as a Nook Book set from B&N. I'm on the first book, as I just decided that I wanted to read the whole series late last week. I am also trying to finish reading Philipa Gregory's The White Queen, so I can move on over to reading The Red Queen, and wrap up that series. 

Listening to Anything Good?

Yes!! Kari Jobe's Majestic album (Forever is my favorite song right now), and the 90's station on Pandora! The 90's music could be from watching FRIENDS on Netflix.

Whatcha Been Watching?

Hubby and I just started watching Game of Thrones. He's been reading the series, and I told him I'd just watch the show with him, rather than read the books. I'm majorly bummed that Parks and Rec has ended, and don't watch much else on television, so I take to Netflix or Hulu and catch up on current shows, old favorites, and even discover new series!

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I Dreamed a Dream of...

I keep having a dream that I'm falling- this used to happen to me all the time, and I know why. As with most common dream themes, falling is an indication of insecurities, instabilities, and anxieties. You are feeling overwhelmed and out of control in some situation in your waking life. No big surprise there. Thankfully, the dream always wakes me up.

What I'm Lovin' this Week...

The beautiful weather! Oh yeah, spring is almost here! I am loving the extra daylight (though losing the one hour of sleep has screwed everyone in my house up!), and loving that it's warming up a bit! Welcome, allergy season! Plus, hubby and I saw Insurgent on Monday night, and it was awesome!

Image result for moms bashing moms
I am so Done With...

Moms judging other moms. Some of what I read on social media from one mom to another makes me so, so sad. Knock it off, already. Moms need all of the support and encouragement they can get, so why not give a little? I guarantee that it will feel much better than the remorse you'll feel later on, after tearing someone down.

Silliest Thing this Week...
Me, trying to do some of the Blogilaties Pilates videos on YouTube. Fail... epic fail, and hilarity rolled into a wrap!

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What I'm Looking Forward to...
October. I know it's a long way off, but my best friend in the world is getting married in New Orleans, and I can't wait to be there, as she and her fiance exchange vows! Hubby and I have never been to New Orleans before, so it will be another great city to cross off of our must-visit list!

Thanks for catching up with me this week!

I'd love to hear how you've been doing this week, too! Leave your answer to one of the questions listed above in a comment, if you feel like it!

Have a great Thursday!

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