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Wordless Wednesdays: The Beauty of Fall

Last week, I went to my hubby with an idea. I asked if we could drive up to beautiful Blowing Rock/Boone, NC on Saturday. 'What for?' he asked. I told him that I just wanted to go... without a plan, drive around, see the leaves, stop for a picnic lunch. He looked surprised, and he should have- it's very unlike me to want to do anything without a plan. We invited my parents to come along, though my dad was under the weather. So, my mom took the day trip with us, and we just sort of wandered around. 

We grabbed some lunch, and hit the Blue Ridge Parkway, and drove until we happened upon a park with picnic tables. After we ate, we noticed a hiking trail, and walked a good bit of it before my bad knee began acting up. We discovered a cave, and passed little rapids and falls, which were beautiful. We drove along the parkway for quite a while, just looking at the gorgeous foliage.

Here are a few photos from our day trip...

B and Sacha, enjoying their lunch at the park.

A rare photo of all three of us (thanks, mom!).

B and Grammy, tree surfing.

Another photo of the Witts (It's so hard to get a photo of all three of us- I'm usually the one taking all of the pictures!).

Me, with my babe...

Hauntingly beautiful photo I snapped of the creek...

Me, with my wonderful mom.

B and Grammy, in the secret cave we found on our hike.

One of the overlooks on the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Family photo at the overlook.

Taking a break before getting back into the car for the trip home.

I was able to get a few photos of the leaves, which were prettier at lower elevations.

One last shot of the foliage from the car (excuse the mirror!).

We had a beautiful day, spent together, as a family, just enjoying the beauty of our surroundings. Hubby and I began a tradition of an annual drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway, each fall season, complete with stopping for photos and a picnic lunch- when we were dating 9-10 years ago. It's very special for us to be able to continue this tradition, with our son. We're looking forward to many more beautiful fall seasons in the NC mountains.

What are some of your family's fall traditions?

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