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Monday Motivation: Find Room for the Positive

Happy Monday! I enjoyed a beautiful weekend with my famly, and I hope that you did, too. Monday always rolls around faster that I'd like it to, and it's time to get right back to doing the very things that seem to drain us of all of our energy. 

I don't usually mind Mondays, and was awake extra early this morning, which seems to be a new routine (waking up around 5 am). So, that gives me time to catch the early morning news, and have a cup of coffee, and squeeze in a bit of exercise before everyone else gets up.

I have a few goals for this week, and hopefully, I'll be able to stick to those goals. 

Goal 1: Since I'm up early, I want to switch my exercise routine time from late afternoon to early morning. I think that getting up earlier and starting my day off with time to meditate, practice some yoga or pilates will really help me start my day off relaxed. If I exercise first thing, it's done and out of the way, and I don't have to spend the rest of the day wondering if I'll be able to squeeze it in.

Goal 2: Follow my exercise time with a quiet cup of coffee, and reading a devotion. I have a great devotional by Darlene Zschech, and just often forget to pick that book up, because I get up and go, go, go each morning. Re-prioritizing and putting God first each and every morning will be a positive change in my life. I so need to spend time with him, and in His word to jumpstart my day.

Goal 3: Stick with taking St. John's Wart. I've been taking a St. John's Wart supplement every morning, and my husband and I have both noticed a big improvement in my overall mood and attitude. Just a simple thing that's safe to take, over the counter, is making a big difference in my life.

Goal 4: Stop working before bedtime. I have a bad habit of working right up until my head is ready to hit the pillow, and I really need to stop doing that. I am learning to put the laptop away, put the tablet down, and grab a good book, and read before bedtime. This helps me escape the stresses of the day, and of course, helps make me sleepy!

Goal 5: Stay away from the sweets! It's so hard to do this time of the year, especially (and I have a huge sweet tooth!). I want to get back on track, and staying away from sweets helps me to do that!

Goal 6: Find the positive side of every situation. This is my mom's advice, and I know it's not always easy to follow, but I am going to follow her lead on this, and try to find the positive side of everything. Every cloud has a silver lining, right?

I'll do my best to keep up with these goals, and to make some positive changes in my life- small things that I can control, for better control overall, and better mental and physical health. What are some of your goals for this week? We'd love for you to share them, so we can share our encouragement!

Thanks for reading! We hope you have a fabulous week!

1 comment

  1. I think it is wonderful and important to set goals. Without them I don't think we really move forward as people. The most important one here (for me) is the last one. It's a goal for me every single day. It's also the hardest for me sometimes. Maybe I need to try St. John's Wart as well. Have you tried taking a B Complex since you started exercising? I have noticed a big difference in my overall energy and it is water soluble vitamin.


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