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Monday Motivation {A Runner's Prayer}

When I am out running, I notice all the little things around me and enjoy being alone in my thoughts. I run mostly out on the country roads by our home, so it is lots of open fields and amazing views. I think to myself about how lucky I have been to start on this new running journey and promise myself to not give up on it. Since running the mini-marathon a few weekends ago, I have not been making as much time for myself to go out and run. The last few weeks have been so incredibly busy that I just haven't gotten my miles in like I should be. My goal this week is to get back in my 10-15 mile average and stay on a better track.
A Runner's Prayer
Run by my side; live in my heartbeat;
give strength to my steps.
As the cold surrounds, as the wind pushes me,
I know you surround me.
As the sun warms me, as the rain cleanses me,
I know you are touching me, challenging me, loving me.
And so I give you this run.
Thank you for matching my stride.
Keep reaching for your goals too!

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