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New Jammies Holiday Review

 Mommy's Block Party Holiday Gift Guide 2013
Many of you may have seen a recent viral video about Christmas jammies. If you haven't, you should, because it is super creative, cute, and of course the family looks adorably comfortable in their Christmas jammies.
Who doesn't love new jammies at Christmas time? My kids always each receive a new pair on Christmas Eve along with a book. Before bed we curl up in our new PJs and read the book together. We love this tradition and I hope it continues for years to come. I recently came across a company that specializes in jammies, and knew that we had to try and feature them on MBP.
New Jammies a company, created by a woman named Nicole, who wanted something to do something that would reflect her family values and bring about positive change in the world.  As a former organic chemist, she knew that there were ways that people could reduce their exposure to chemicals and wanted to do her part in helping. By creating New Jammies, Nicole developed an environmentally responsible company that would provide children with 100% certified organic cotton pajamas. New Jammies also supports philanthropic organizations that strive to improve communities and lives of children

I worked directly with Nicole who agreed that the holidays are a great time to showcase pajamas, because "who wouldn't want to wear new jammies at Christmas?" Nicole asked me to check out the New Jammies website and select a pair of pajamas to tell our readers all about. Can I tell you how hard it was to choose a pair, there are so many cute options. My first step was deciding which kiddo should get some new jammies and after browsing both boy and girls styles, I decided S would be the lucky girl this time.

I browsed the girl styles, which number between 15-20 different options, picked my top four, and let S have her pick. Here are the three she did not choose.
Starry Night Owl
 Nesting Dolls
 Pretty Ponies

I couldn't wait to see S's choice in person, because she picked my top choice too. I would say we have similar taste and style, so it all worked out. A New Jammies package would soon be in the mailbox and S would be styling in some new PJs.

Our New Jammies package is here!
S can't wait to get it open and see what is inside
"My jammies!!!!!"
Inside we found a nicely sealed pair of pajamas from New Jammies and our shipping order information.
The jammies were wrapped with a New Jammies bow (loved this touch) and were so bright and colorful. S had chosen the Pink Whales design and it looked just as fun in person as it did on the computer screen.
All of the New Jammies collections are made of 100% organic cotton. I love organic cotton. Not only is it safer (think chemicals on cotton plants) but they are so much softer and comfortable on delicate little kid skin. These jammies really fell into the comfy category even straight out of the bag. No stiff feel or weird smell that sometimes can happen with some products.
S wanted to get these puppies on asap, so we tossed them in the wash, and viola. 
The Pink Whales set is adorable and stylish. A pink top with white accents and a funny green whale applique takes center stage. The leggings are white with an assortment of green, yellow, and pink whales swimming around. The Pink Whales currently retail for $35 from New Jammies.
I love the green whale, so much personality and funk in one little applique. S loves to feel his fuzziness too. I appreciate the long sleeves on the top, makes it more versatile and wearable throughout the seasons.
When sizing, I knew I would need a snug fit, because these pajamas are not treated with a flame retardant. While S is a bit small for a 4 year old, I went ahead and got the 4T based on the size chart. These PJs fit a little big on her, but not enough to worry about her safety in them, plus gave her some growing room.
The leggings are a perfect match for the top. With green and pink being my favorite colors, I love, love, love these pajamas. Every time S wears them I love them more. S can fully dress herself and these pajamas are very easy for her to put on and take off. She chooses her Pink Whales as soon as they come back out of the drier every time. 
New Jammies has some great Holiday styles too.
This pair will be on my mind for next Christmas. I would love to dress all three kiddos in a matching pair of Christmas jammies!
I found this on the New Jammies site and thought it summed the company up perfectly 
 "New Jammies were created for you! There's a world in our dreams, pure and simple. It is a world where every child is happy and healthy. This is why we created New Jammies,100% pure, natural organic cotton pajamas. Bedtime is a precious time of day for children and we love that we can help make it a little better. Our super, soft cozy Jammies with colorful, playful images, send children off to dream each and every night. When they wake, we want it to be to a world that is cleaner, brighter, and more hopeful each day! Our dream: The happiest children you've ever seen!"
 New Jammies has fully succeeded in making one little girl in our house happy and comfortable at her bedtime and we are thankful for their generosity.
 Want It? Buy It!
Need some Christmas jammies for your loved ones? Check out New Jammies, you will not be disappointed. You can follow New Jammies on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest as well for photos, information, and fun. Join the New Jammies mailing list for all the most recent news. You should still be able to order in time for Christmas with priority shipping charges or find a store near you that carries them. We have a store just 8 miles from our house that carries them!

Thanks to Nicole and New Jammies!

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