By now summer is in full swing and so are family vacations. As for us, we have stuck close to home base with baby Collett, and our adventures have been local spots. Our one big monthly "trip" arrives in our mailbox and transports us to someplace exciting and adventurous. Our partnership with a fabulous company called Little Passports transports us all over the world without having to leave our house.
Readers of MBP by now for sure know about Little Passports. Little Passports offers an amazing opportunity and experience by mailing monthly travel packages (World or US Editions) right to your mailbox. These packages are filled with exciting items to encourage their explorations. It is really easy to sign up (they have different options for whatever your needs might be), each month your child will receive a package filled with amazing goodies from a new country or state, explore and have fun with your child. Check out some great clips and reviews of Little Passports here.
During month one with Little Passports, you will receive an introduction to Sam and Sofia, a suitcase filled with a world wall map, a travel passport, stickers, an activity sheet, and access to online games and activities with a boarding pass (Our introduction to Sam and Sofia during month one was very informative, check it out here). Sam and Sofia are the two traveling characters within Little Passports and each month they travel to a new destination and send us fun things from their discoveries. We love finding where Sam and Sofia have been and what they have found. You can read our month two, three, four, five, six, and seven as well to see where we have been.
Our Little Passports package is here!
Our world travels are ready to begin!
Looks like we are heading to the large country of South Africa
I wonder what Sam and Sofia could be up too this time?
As always, Sam and Sofia sent a letter from their travels. Their trip to South Africa sounded so fun-a visit to Kruger National Park and a safari. They saw giraffe, zebras, kudu, impala, buffalo, elephant, rhino, and stork. These are all animals we have seen in zoos before, but to see them up close on a safari sounded so cool. B and S thought a safari would be a really fun thing to go on, but they would want to see lions too. My kids connecting to Sam and Sofia, this time with all of the animals, is such a great way for them to interact and understand all that Little Passports is offering. They can take their knowledge of zoo animals and see them in their real world habitats without leaving home, amazing! The photo shows a happy Sam and Sofia in their South African travels.
Next up were the boarding pass and activity sheet.
The boarding pass allows us private access to games and activities specifically related to our trip. We really enjoy playing the games. This time however, we were unable to remember our username and password, I will blame it on baby brain, so we sent out an email to tech support with our original special code to get a reminder.
We also received a South African activity page. B quickly was drawn to the Safari Scramble, an activity that he has been doing while working with his weekly spelling words. He had some difficulty without a word bank, but we worked together and soon he had it completed. S also enjoyed the animal baby names and we discovered a buffalo, elephant, and rhino are all called a "calf" and a lion and leopard are called a "cub". We all worked together on the Switcharoo activity to find the differences between Sam and Sofia's elephants, we had to look really closely but found them all.
Next up were the stickers for our passport, map, and suitcase.
B loves filling his passport with the flags of different countries. He also likes to look through them and compare whose flags are similar and different. Somehow S misplaced the stickers for the suitcase, we still have not come across them so who knows where they ran off too. S felt really bad because B loves to show off his travels and said "sorry" many times over. She was quickly forgiven.
South Africa took a bit longer to find, mostly because B was laying on top of it, but once I told him to scoot off the map, it was quickly located. Both kids love looking at the countries, colors, and finding all the pin points of where we have already traveled.
Two fingers found it!
I always save the special gift that Sam and Sofia send until last because the kids are always so thrilled with it. It really is a great little addition for them to truly grasp something special about the country they are visiting.
Sam and Sofia saw many birds on their safari and felt that a bird whistle would be a great gift for us to share, and they were correct. My kids immediately wanted to get it out and try it. Here they are giving it their best shot.
Thanks again Little Passports!
Be on the lookout for August's adventures soon!
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Interested in subscribing to Little Passports? Check out the special you can take advantage of-Refer A Friend. Your child will receive a personalized package in the mail that includes an adventure letter, fun souvenirs, activities, and access to the online Boarding Zone full of activities and games. You can also like Little Passports on Facebook or follow Little Passports on Twitter for up to date information. You can also visit the Little Passports Blog for more fun and interesting things.
Interested in subscribing to Little Passports? Check out the special you can take advantage of-Refer A Friend. Your child will receive a personalized package in the mail that includes an adventure letter, fun souvenirs, activities, and access to the online Boarding Zone full of activities and games. You can also like Little Passports on Facebook or follow Little Passports on Twitter for up to date information. You can also visit the Little Passports Blog for more fun and interesting things.
Thanks so much again to Sara and Little Passports!
Such a cute fun thing to recieve. It sounds like a great way for kids to learn about the world in a fun, engaging way