MBP's Back to School Blast
For most families, Back to School shopping includes much more than just filling up a shopping cart with supplies for the classroom. There are a lot of things that need to be purchased for the upcoming school year, and new clothing seems to be at the top of the list. Moms want their children to be extra presentable when they head back to school, and often times, they wind up spending hundreds of dollars on new clothes and shoes! We only have one little guy, and we're only talking about preschool, but even little B man needed some fresh knits for the back to school season and I was dreading what we might end up spending on them.
I didn't really give much thought to shopping at Kohl's for back to school shopping until I was driving by our local store a couple of weeks ago. Kohl's actually started out as a small department store, first opened by Max Kohl in the 1960's in Wisconsin. By the mid-1970's, Kohl's had already expanded to five department stores, and has remained highly successful through the years. In 2007, over 100 Kohl's stores were opened across the US, and several well known brands added to Kohl's merchandise collection, including a project with ELLE magazine, offering their own fashion label, available exclusively at Kohl's.
The more I thought about Kohl's, the more I realized that it was definitely the place to begin our Back to School Shopping adventures! Kohl's is a one stop shop for Back to School Needs! We headed to our local Kohl's store to see what types of sales they were having, and what we could snag for just $50.00.
Gearing up for Back to School- Backpacks were on display and on sale!
We headed straight for the toddler department, where we knew we would be able to find some great deals on Back to School clothing for Balian, who is wearing anywhere from a 3T-4T, depending on style and cut of the garments.
No surprise- a big, big sale on Back to School clothing for the kids...
I had a lot of fun mixing and matching some Back to School outfits for Balian. Preschool is just a couple of mornings a week, and we'll spend one afternoon a week at Weekday Church School, and there are no uniforms required (yet). So he'll be able to wear some cute prints to school, and then knock around in his everyday clothing at home, as well.
Our shopping cart, loaded up with great deals at Kohl's!
There were a lot of sale signs all over the store, which is one of the things I love about Kohl's- they're always having sales! I picked out a couple of outfits, and then headed for the clearance racks to see what we could snag for even bigger savings! I found a couple of $5.00 or less shirts and added those to our cart, too! I also found Balian a pair of pj's at a great price- just $10.00 for a 3 piece pj set!
Candle sale!
After we left the clothing section, we walked through the rest of teh store to check out even more great deals! I found sales in the home living department on everything from candles to photo frames and bedding. I stopped over to the kitchen textiles area to look through tablecloths, and found one that I had been eyeing weeks earlier, and it was on sale for 60% off the original price! We also needed to pick up a birthday card for my sister-in-law, so we headed to the gifting area, and even found a bonus pair of Vera Wang sandals to add to her gift!
I had a bit of frustration when I finally wound up at the check-out. Some of the sale signs were misplaced in the store and confusing, so I wound up putting a couple of things back. The lady in line behind me was sort of annoyed, but I tried to explain that my goal was not to go over a certain amount on the back to school items. We got it all figured out, and the customer service was beyond excellent!
Total spent- $81.89 & Total saved- $97.25!
Now, I paid for just right around $50.00 for the back to school outfits with a gift card that Kohl's sent to us. The overage- $31.89, was spent on the tablecloth, shoes birthday card and tax. I made my goal of just spending $50.00 on Balian's clothing!
Bonus- Kohl's Cash!
I also earned $10.00 Kohl's Cash, because I spent a certain amount of money. I can now use this in store or online. I think I'll order another set of pj's for Balian! I also received a $10.00 off my next purchase coupon by e-mail, for signing up for Kohl's e-mail alerts! Thanks, Kohl's!
Back to school outfits for Balian...
When we got home, I was eager to lay everything out to see what we really got for the money we spent at Kohl's. In total, Balian got two complete outfits for fall (tops and botttoms), two t-shirts on clearance, and one set of pajamas- all for $50.00!
Adorable 3 Pc PJ Set by Carter's- $10.00!
Long Sleeved T-shirt, originally $12.00, for $4.80!
Cute Helicopter T-shirt, originally $14.00, for $5.80!
Dino T-shirt and Jeans...
Rocketship Shirt and Jeans...
We love shopping at Kohl's and this experience was wonderful for our family! My husband was able to take Balian to the toy section of the store, while I shopped for his clothing, and they were still closeby if I needed to do a size-check. Kohl's truly is the one-stop shop for back to school shopping. They have everything your kids teens, and college students need from clothing to backpacks, shoes, dorm room bedding and accessories, electronic accessories, etc! Hey moms- they have great things for you to de-stress with, too! Back to school time can be a little crazy, so don't forget to take some time to relax!
Balian has been loving his back to school picks, and he was so excited about the helicopter shirt and new pj's, that we went ahead and let him wear them.
B, wearing his new helicopter shirt...
B, modeling his favorite new pj's!
We can't thank Kohl's enough for providing our family with such wonderful deals, and a terrific shopping experience in their store! I can't wait to head back to Kohl's this weekend, because it will be Tax Free Weekend here in NC, and I know that Kohl's will be offering more fantastic sales!
Ready to Do Some Back to School Shopping?
Head to your local Kohl's store, or visit Kohl's online to find great deals for your family as they head back to school this year! You can also connect with Kohl's on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Don't forget to check out Kohl's Cares! A $5.00 purchase on a Kohl's Cares item goes toward supporting various charities. We love snagging $5 books or stuffed toys to donate to children in our community, while supporting a Kohl's Cares charity, at the same time!

Want to Win a Gift Card?
We've teamed up with some of our favorite bloggers to offer our readers the chance to win a $100.00 Kohl's Gift Card! Just click here to head to the giveaway page to enter for your chance to win!
Special thanks to our friends at Kohl's for providing us with a Kohl's gift card to do a little back to school shopping with, and for allowing us to share our experience with our readers!
What do you love about Kohl's?

What a great giveaway!