Thanks for dropping by to get to know the MBP team of bloggers a little better. This week, we're catching up with MBP Founder and Sr. Contributor, Ondria Witt.
Good Eats- What's For Dinner Tonight?
Hamburger Stroganoff over White Rice with Steamed Broccoli
Whatcha Reading?
'Who Stole My Church?'
Listening to Anything Good?
Muse- gearing up for their live show that we have tickets for in Sept.
Whatcha Been Watching?
Rescue Bots... not sure why, but my son is addicted.
I Dreamed a Dream of...
I haven't been dreaming much this week- I've hardly been sleeping since my dad wound up in the hospital last Thursday. Too afraid to fall into a deep sleep in case my phone rings.
What I'm Lovin' this Week...
My sister and my grandmother are here to be my dad's home nurses as he rests and recovers from his ordeal.
I am so Done With...
This week. We started VBS on Monday at my church, and I volunteered to teach the music this year. I am having so much fun with the kids, but I am completely exhausted from what's basically 3 1/2 hours of singing and dancing, and being wife and mom, working, plus all the trips we've been making to the hospital since last week... and my hubby, sis, friend and I have to try to run a rehearsal for our worship team tomorrow night and make music happen for our worship service on Sunday since my dad can't be there. Plus, I'm in charge of the kiddos singing their VBS songs at out 11 am worship service, after the contemporary service ends. Whoa, baby- STRESSED!
Silliest Thing this Week...
The little kids at my church during VBS... they are hilarious and adorable... except for this one kid who whines about everything.
What I'm Looking Forward to...
Monday- new weeks start on Monday for me. I'm also really looking forward to visiting my dad at home, instead of in the hospital. So glad he was discharged yesterday and can now get some real rest in his own bed.
Thanks for catching up with me this week!
I'd love to hear how you've been doing this week, too! Leave your answer to one of the questions listed above in a comment, if you feel like it!
Have a great Thursday!

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