Happy Monday! Today, we're continuing our 365 Acts of Kindness today, encouraging everyone to do one nice thing for someone else every day, for the next year. It doesn't have to be random- you can certainly be kind to someone you know, or a complete stranger. The idea is to pass love around- help someone else out, and inspire them to do the same. Sometimes, we have to change to be the change we want to see in this world.
Every Monday, we're posting a weekly roundup of Acts of Kindness, where you can share how you've helped others, or how others have blessed you by their acts.
My Act of Kindness from Last Week:
Last week was a little hairy. My dad suffered a GI bleed very unexpectedly and lost a lot of blood. My mom took him to the ER, and he wound up in ICU. My kindess (which is really more out of love than just being kind), is to make sure my mom is being taken care of, while she's at the hospital with my dad. It's been stressful for the whole family, but I felt that I could at least make her some lunch packs and make sure she's getting some hot meals. I've also tried to sit with my dad off and on to give my mom some much needed breaks, so she could shower and catch a few naps here and there. We've been shown a ton of kindness from friends, family and church members- just offering to step in and help, if needed. Needless to say, we've really felt very loved through all of this!
Featured Comment from Last Week's Roundup:
I always remember when people offer support, even if I don't take them up on it. -Crystal
This is Week 25 of this special Bloggers & Readers Challenge, and I am so eager to read everyone's comments on how they were able to offer kindness, or how they received kindness from someone else last week.
Be sure to leave us your comment, and keep spreading the love around! You never know- your comment might be featured in next week's post, or we might randomly show kindness to one our our readers!!
How have you shown kindess lately or been on the receiving end of a random act?

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