Summer's here and, with it, visions of long days with the children happily playing in the garden while grown ups relax on the sun lounger. If your summers usually end up with the children complaining of being bored, here are some ideas for outdoor fun that won't cost the earth.
Children love camping. Even the washing up seems to be more fun when it's at an open air sink! But you don't have to go off to a campsite or even have a tent to experience outdoor life - a couple of chairs with a blanket thrown over can create a snug hideaway for children to play in and they can create their own little house in the garden that's easily dismantled at the end of the day.
Games Tables
If your children enjoy indoor activities but you want them to get some sun and fresh air, why not take the indoor outside? If you move your pool table or table football table into the garden, they'll provide hours of entertainment (just don't forget the sunscreen!), here are some ideas.
You can't beat a picnic to make lunch taste even better and if you get the children involved in choosing and preparing the food, they'll love it all the more. A blanket in the garden is just as exciting as going to the park and you can turn a picnic into a real adventure with food by playing games. Put a blindfold on and have children guess the fruit, first by feeling it, then smelling it before finally eating it. Score 3 points if they can guess it by touch alone, 2 points if the smell gives it away and 1 point if they identify the food once they've eaten it. The person with the highest score wins.
Magical Mystery Tour
If you feel the need to get out of the house, why not go on a driving tour of the area? Let the children choose the direction you go in or explore that road you've always been curious about. When you arrive at somewhere interesting, pull over and explore. You'll be amazed at the places you can find practically in your back yard.
Make a Nature Picture
Summer brings flowers - lots of them! So why not get crafty and creative by making a flower collage? Pick a selection of beautiful blooms and press them between the pages of a heavy book. Wait a few day then make a picture by arranging them on card sprayed with glue.
Alternatively, you can use leaves and sticks to paint with - use the leaves as stamps and sticks as brushes to make a pretty piece of art. Or if you simply want to make the most of fine weather, draw chalk pictures on the ground where they'll brighten up your path before the rain comes to wash them away.
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