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Build a Healthier Plate with Fresh Baby (Review & Giveaway)

Disclosure: Other than the mentioned products, which I received directly from this sponsor for review purposes, I was not compensated for facilitating this review. All opinions expressed are my own. Your experience may differ. Mommy's Block Party and its team members are not responsible for prize fulfillment or shipment- this is the understood responsibility of the giveaway sponsor.

Raise your hand if you have trouble getting your little ones to eat. You can't see me, but I just put both of my hands up- not because I have two kids, but because I have endless troubles when it comes to my two year old son, and eating. My husband sort of tells me that I did it all wrong when I started Balian on solids- that I never should have let him taste bananas before a vegetable. Really though, the trouble isn't that he doesn't want to eat fruits and veggies... the trouble is that he just doesn't want to eat, period.

Thankfully (for me, and lots of other parents), Fresh Baby is making strides to educate parents about healthy eating tips and habits for kids- from the very start. Fresh Baby works hard to equip parents with information, recipes and products to help them nurture their kids, and start them off on the right foot, as far as what they eat. Fresh Baby was founded by Cheryl Tallman, who started making homemade baby food for her son, after being unable to identify all natural alternatives to fresh feeding and hassle free solutions for her child. She also began developing products to share with parents so that together, we can reduce childhood obesity.

Read more about Fresh Baby's Mission here.

As a new mom, I was definitely concerned about what I was feeding my son, which is why I chose to breastfeed him, and I tried to make homemade baby food, whenever possible. My husband and I try to set a good example  for our son, by eating grains, fruits, veggies, lean meats and cutting out the junky stuff.

Our friends at Fresh Baby wanted to help us 'Build a Healthier Plate' for our toddler, and sent us some wonderful products and tools!

Special delivery to us from Fresh Baby!

Balian and I couldn't wait to see what our friends at Fresh Baby decided to send to us, to help us make smart choices and stay on track with our healthy eating habits. We received a My Plate Grocery Bag, a Kid's Portion Tip Card, a Kid's Portion Plate, a Grocery List Pad, and an Adult 4-Section Plate.

Oh, yes- these colorful goodies will definitely help us make good choices!

One of my favorite items that we received, is the Portion Tip Card/Guide. It is so helpful to know that I should only be serving up about 2 1/2 Tbsp's per meal item for my two-year-old. I had no idea that I really shouldn't expect him to eat much more than that at one time. For some reason, we think that we have to super-size everything in this country... that it's okay to have three slices of pizza, instead of one slice and a side salad, or to load up on a ton of starches, and skip the greens. The Kid's Portion Tip Card is two-sided and helps parents understand what their kids ought to be eating, and what the appropriate portions are for their children's age groups- ages 2-3, and 4-8.

Visual guide to portion sizes
Recommended servings per day by food group for children 2-3 and 4-8 years old
Serving size by food group
Serving sizes for common children’s foods

I now keep this colorful tool on the refrigerator, so I can refer to it when I feel unsure.

We have a big problem with portion control, as a nation, and even in our very own house. I am notorious for watching my portions, and my husband is notorious for finishing off plates, or having second helpings, just because there are leftovers. So, I devised an experiment, and used both the Kid's portion plate and the Adult 4-Section Plate for my son, and for my husband. I portioned out the appropriate amounts of food for each of them, and served them up on these new plates. Balian ate his dinner like a little champ! Once he saw the small portions, in different sections, I think he felt like he could tackle them, and he did- without complaining! My husband grumbled about the portions on his plate at first, but after our meal, he admitted that he felt satisfied, and didn't want to eat anything more.

Left: Adult Portion Plate, Right: Child's Portion Plate

Here's what Balian's dinner looked like, portioned out on his new Fresh Baby Plate!

The theme of the children's plate is cute and colorful, drawing attention to a focus on healthy living, and an active lifestyle. Activities like blowing bubbles, and playing outside are depicted on the children's plate. The adult plate is also sectioned, again, appropriately for portion sizes for grains, fruits, veggies and proteins.

Features of these plates include...

Material: 100% Melamine
Lead, BP-A & Phthalate - FREE.
Durable, Dishwasher-safe, Never use in microwave

MyPlate Grocery Bag
Balian loves to take this colorful shopping bag with us when we head to the grocery store!

...and we even play grocery shop at home!

'Ta-da! Groceries are bagged and ready to to go to my room!'

I've also found that having the grocery/shopping list pad and the reusable grocery bag are extremely helpful! The grocery list helps me to buy only what I truly need, and all of the items are divided into categories on the pad, so I'm not skipping over items as I shop. The grocery bag is great for two reasons- it reminds me to shop with a healthy outlook, and it reduces plastic bag use and trash.

Fresh Baby also has lots of other wonderful products, great for parents and kiddos.
Check out a few of my top picks...

MyPlate Foam Puzzle
My Plate Foam Puzzle

Toddler Cookbook
So Easy Toddler Food Cookbook

So Easy Baby Food Kit
So Easy Baby Food Kit

Kitchen Apron - Turquoise
Adult Kitchen Apron

We love Fresh Baby's position on families working to build healthier plates and healthier lives. In my own opinion, offering up healthy snacks like slices fruits and veggies as opposed to chips, cookies, juices, etc just plain makes sense. Talking a walk together as a family after dinner is a great idea, especially now that it's staying light longer during the evening hours and the temperatures are warming up. Kids might even be more prone to eating the things you want them to, if you let them help prepare meals. I give Balian fun tasks like sprinkling in some cheese, patting the homemade pizza dough, counting out five carrot sticks, etc. Involving the kids in the prep can play a big role in healthy eating habits later in life!

If you're ready to take a healthy-eating challenge as a family, visit Fresh Baby for meal ideas, tips, recipes and more! Let's make a promise to get healthy and fight to end childhood obesity!

6-Piece Dinnerware Set

Want It? Buy It!

You can find these featured Fresh Baby products and many more on their wonderful website! You'll definitely want to take a look around at all of the various products they offer for baby-feeding, kids, and adults! Fresh Baby would love to connect with MBP readers through social media! Check them out on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter!

Want It? Win It!

Our friends at Fresh Baby are giving MBP readers the chance to win a Fresh Baby 'Build a Healthier Plate' Prize Pack! Just use the Rafflecopter entry form below to enter for your chance to win! Giveaway is open to US residents, only- 18 or older, and there will be one winner.

Special thanks to our friends at Fresh Baby for helping us build healthier plates for ourselves and our kids, and for sponsoring this wonderful giveaway!

Good luck & happy plate building!

My MBP Signature


  1. For my kids it's to let them see me eating healthy too! Not forcing them to eat right but making it fun! I add spinach to there smoothies and they never know it :)

  2. We try to incorporate new fruits and veggies on a regular basis....and make them the MAIN dish as opposed to a side! :)

  3. For us, we try to add fruit and vegetables to each meal if possible! They are Carters favorites so easy to get him to eat them! He even loves the "trees' ....lol broccoli! :)

  4. not forcing them to eat EVERYTHING just encouraging them to try new things. Also sneaking in the veggies helps :)

  5. Lots of fruits and veggies and we try to buy organic

  6. Having them see me eat healthy makes them eat healthy too!

  7. I cooke meals with vegetables in them. :) My daughters love broccoli :)

  8. Shop at the farmer's market for the freshest, most inexpensive produce. Let the kids pick out a new food each week to try and then prepare it with their "help".

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  9. I like their So Easy Portion Storage Bags.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  10. Ashley Chassereau ParksApril 28, 2013 at 9:45 PM

    Offer healthy options at each meal, demonstrate healthy eating habits as a parent, and make eating fun (broccoli can be trees, etc)! :)

  11. Give bigger portions of veggies, and cut back on others.

  12. We try to be good examples of healthy eating. We, also, like the kids to get involved with food preparation. It seems to help when they have a choice which healthy food we are eating.


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