Thanks for dropping by to get to know the MBP team of bloggers a little better. This week, we're catching up with MBP Sr. Contributor, Jess Harris.
Good Eats- What's For Dinner Tonight?
On Wednesday Josh and I go out to eat at a great new Chinese place in town because we both work. If you want to know what's for dinner tomorrow night, you'll have to ask Josh. He's off on Thursdays and likes to cook so he makes dinner that night.
Whatcha Reading?
Game Of Thrones
Listening to Anything Good?
I'm really into Mumford and Sons right now.
Whatcha Been Watching?
Walking Dead, Grimm, and Duck Dynasty are my favorite shows right now.
I Dreamed a Dream of...
my dreams are super random. Last night I was dreaming about putting makeup on the cat...
What I'm Lovin' this Week...
I'm super in love with my Chi Tea from Dove Chocolate Discoveries
I am so Done With...
This nasty cold/rainy weather
Silliest Thing this Week...
The random things my kid say. Yesterday we planted seeds and one of my students said to his seed as he was planting it "grow big little baby so you can be a good man"
Thanks for catching up with me this week! I'd love to hear how you've been doing this week, too! Leave me a comment, if you feel like it!
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