Thanks for dropping by to get to know the MBP team of bloggers a little better. This week, we're catching up with MBP Sr. Contributor, Steph Adler.
Good Eats- What's For Dinner Tonight?
Either homemade pizza or going out because Bama is in town, we will see how everybody feels after a fun day.
Whatcha Reading?
Fifty Shades Freed, trying to finish up the series and start something new.
Listening to Anything Good?
The Muppets, from the most recent movie, is a huge favorite. Also anything on Disney radio.
Whatcha Been Watching?
Survivor and Celebrity Apprentice
I Dreamed a Dream of...
Nothing I seem to be able to remember, I keep waiting for baby dreams to start. Beckett told me he had a dream he was eating spiders, gross.
What I'm Lovin' this Week...
Getting a visit from Bama (my mom), we haven't seen her for a month, wish my dad come come too
I am so Done With...
Our weather, it was 65 on Sunday, snowed on Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday and it is supposed to be in the 50s tomorrow.
Silliest Thing this Week...
My kids watching the new Pope announcement. They were very curious and excited to see it. While we watched, Scarlett asked where the cheerleaders were and Beckett was chanting, "lets go Cardinal, lets go".
Thanks for catching up with me today!

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