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Sandy Hook Promise Launches #1MillionHearts

Sandy Hook Promise is launching its #1MillionHearts for Newtown social media campaign, as Valentine's Day marks the 2-month anniversary of this devastating tragedy. The campaign allows participants to send virtual Valentines as a way of pledging their support.  Virtual Valentines can be shared from their website: http://1millionhearts.sandyhookpromise.org and via social media with the hashtag #1MillionHearts. 

Love wins. Help us spread the word, share the love and support our friends in Newton, CT.

Happy Valentine's Day from the team at MBP:
Ondria, Steph, Brittany, Jess & Erin


  1. This post gave me goose bumps! Thank you for sharing with me, I shared it with my FB and Twitter friends.

    Bobbie Anne


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