Good Eats- What's For Dinner Tonight?
It's Valentines Day!!! So tonight we will have our 2nd annual Sakura take out, since last year Cameron was only a few days old we couldn't go out. So we started a new tradition!!!
Whatcha Reading?
A lot of school books!! Two on criminal justice, one on fitness and another on sociology :)
Listening to Anything Good?
Lots of country and happy cheery kiddy music
Whatcha Been Watching?
When Cameron is awake Disney Jr (Jake and the neverland pirates, Mickey mouse club house and of course Doc Mcstuffins!!)
I Dreamed a Dream of...
a nice family vacation, if even for a weekend, a break would be nice.
What I'm Lovin' this Week...
The aftermath of celebrating Cameron's first birthday on Saturday. So many new toys to love and discover.
I am so Done With...
Cold weather!! I'm not a fan of snow, but if it is going to be 20 degrees and have precipitation, then why cant it just be snow and make it worth it??
Silliest Thing this Week...
Cameron locking daddy out, when he went out front to take the trash out. We had no idea he could even reach that part of the door. Not only did he lock him out, he unlocked it and let him in before I could even get to the door!!!
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