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Pink Papaya w/ Carrie Green

Pink Papaya

September Spotlight Sponsor

To quote my good friend Larry The Cucumber, “I love my lips!”

Because I love my lips, I want to make sure they don’t just look good, but feel good too. Thanks to Pink Papaya’s Lip Exfoliator my lips feel good, look good, smell good, and taste good!

Pink Papaya consultant Carrie Green sent me a container of Lip Exfoliator to try and I love it! It scrubs all the yucky dead skin off my lips and leaves them soft, smooth, and sweet. Its super easy to use and it tastes good! All you do to get smooth luscious lips is take a little bit of the Lip Exfoliator and rub it on your lips in a circular motion. After you have exfoliated you can take a tissue and wipe off the excess exfoliator. (Or you can lick it off because its made of sugar, almond oil, jojoba oil, soy wax, mango butter, plum oil, coconut oil, vitamin E, apple extract, and papaya fruit extract.) I would recommend wiping off most of the exfoliator and then if there is a little left you can just lick it off.

I wish you could smell this!

Here are my lips while using the exfoliator.

Pink Papaya is a great company that strives to create a line of quality products that women love, gives women a chance to shine, fosters a spirit of giving, and offers an immediate “ahhh”.  Pink Papaya is a company that loves what they do and has fun doing it!

Check out some of these awesome Pink Papaya products that Carrie Green would be happy to order for you.

Want it? Buy It!
Just head on over to Carries Pink Papaya website and check out all the fantastic items she has to offer. Carrie will be happy to assist you with your purchase, or any questions you might have. In Carrie's area? Book a Pink Papaya party!!


Special thanks to Carrie Green and Pink Papaya for sponsoring this awesome review! I'm sorry it took so long to get the review up but you have been wonderful and we hope to work with you again in the future.

Disclosure: Other than the above mentioned item, which I received directly from this sponsor, for review purposes, I was not compensated for facilitating this review. All opinions expressed are my own. Your experience may differ.

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