I fell upon Kawartha Cloth while doing another review so of course I became a fan of their Facebook page. I was browsing all their great “cloth” products and thought I would reach out and see if they wanted to participate in a review.
Now i’m sure that most of you know we LOVE dinosaurs in this house, if you didn’t, you soon will. Trish at Kawartha Cloth had no idea of our love of dinosaurs when she sent off my package. I know that i would be getting some great Kawartha Cloth Cloth Wipes to review and that they would be “boyish” well when the package came I was pleasantly surprised.
All packaged nice and pretty with a bow
Yep you guessed it DINOS!!! Now I don’t have many professionally made wipes (I usually make my own), so its always great to see and feel how others make theirs. These are a great soft cotton wipe (made by Trish’s friend). The Kawartha Cloth Cloth Wipes are a good decent “square” size. The wipes are also not too thin. There is a big debate with wipes 1 layer or 2. Personally I have no preference. However the debate battles on, (if too thin you are too close to poo, disposable wipes are “thin” to me).
10 wonderfully cute wipes!
The Kawartha Cloth Cloth Wipes come in a 10 pack for an AMAZING price of only $7 plus shipping!!! You can purchase boy, girl or gender neutral. Now if you have ever bought wipes you know that is an excellent price. I love how soft these wipes feel which is a big deal to me. Cameron has somewhat of a sensitive skin thing going on. I don’t like to use abrasive things on his skin he gets so red. These have yet to have that effect on him. They are also surged around the edges to prevent fraying.
Up close view the the Kawartha Cloth Cloth Wipes
These wipes have stood up to some heavy use. My Kawartha Cloth Cloth Wipes have now been through the wash a time or two and still look great!
Want it??? Buy it!!
Thanks a bunch!
Disclosure: I was sent the above featured items free of charge, directly from the sponsor for review purposes. All thoughts and opinions shared are my own. Your experience may differ.
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