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Holiday Gift Giving Dilemma? Go for the Gift Basket!

I can't believe that there are only nine weeks until Christmas. Luckily, I have started picking up a few gifts here and there, and will be well prepared this holiday season. I have my friends and family's gifts covered already, but there are still lots of appreciation gifts on my shopping and giving list. Appreciation gifts can be tricky. Unless you really know the person you're giving a 'thank you' gift to during the holidays, it's often hard to find a general gift that the average person might enjoy.

I have often thought about putting together my own gift baskets for holiday giving, but to be honest- it's quite an expense! By the time I have finished buying a cute container or basket, items to fill it with, and nice wrapping and a bow, I've wound up spending a whole lot more than I would have if I'd just gone out and bought one. There aren't really any shops that are local to me who put together unique gift baskets, but that's okay- because I've found some incredibly elegant and even fun and unique gifts that everyone on my list will love!

A gourmet gift basket filled with a decadent wine, cheeses and pate' is just the ticket for our friends who let us borrow their beach home every holiday season. A box of beautifully decorated holiday cookies would make an appropriate 'thank you' gift for any teacher or children's group leader, coach, etc. For my very best girlfriend who is soon-to-be married, a lovely basket of chocolates, cookies, fruit preserves, and a light crisp half bottle of wine is the ultimate choice for a pampered princess. Christmas hampers make the perfect gift for anyone you're wanting to say a special 'thanks' to this holiday season. I can't wait to start checking more and more names off of my gift list... and these hampers (or gift baskets) look so good, I might even make a little wish list, all my own!

What would your holiday gift basket be filled with?

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