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FunBites Review and Giveaway

While I read parenting magazines and articles, I have learned to browse for products that would be wonderful to share with all our MBP readers. While flipping through the June issue of one parenting magazine, I came across a great blurb on a top list of great products. When I saw one of the brightly colored products on the page, I knew it would be something great to share.

After going to visit the website for the product, I was really interested in trying it out because I knew it would be a hit with my kids. I emailed the company and heard back very quickly from the product creator, Bobbie. This product is a great kitchen tool for creating fun, bite sized portions for kids and adults too!
FunBites was created by Bobbie and her family as a way to help picky eaters, including her youngest daughter, to have fun while eating. To read more about Bobbie and her story, click here. Bobbie was very interested in working with us, and was so pleasant, friendly, and easy going. After corresponding a few times and exchanging all our information, she sent out our FunBites to share.

Our FunBites package has arrived!
FunBites are a high performance curved blade cutter with a matching pop top. The edges while not knife like, still have a bit of sharpness to them and require just a few simple steps to create small bites that pop out instantly, mess free. They are BPA free and 100% USA made, both of which I can greatly appreciate!

FunBites come in two different blade options-square and hearts.
The Square FunBites retails for $12.99 and cuts into 12 separate squares.
The Heart FunBites retails for $12.99 and cuts into one large heart from 10 geometric shapes.
You can also purchase both FunBites together for only $22!

Step 1: Place FunBites cutter on top of food. Remove popper top and place to the side
Step 2: Grab handles on both sides of the cutter. Press down and firmly rock back and forth 5-6 times to cut all the way through the food. Press hard.
Step 3: Insert popper top. Lift cutter up from food and push down popper to pop out fun-shaped bite sized pieces.
Step 4: Wash-handwash or top shelf dishwasher safe

Here we are trying out the FunBites on a cheese quesadilla
I will admit I didn't read the directions the first time I tried to use the FunBites and found it confusing. After reading the directions and watching the FunBites YouTube video, I kicked myself over how simple it truly was, I was making it way to hard.  I included a video of us using it, after I knew what to do, to show you that even silly me figured it out.

Using our FunBites for S's lunch-Nutella Sandwich
"Baby Chocolate Breads"
A square lunch was in order for today,
cheese square, cheeze-it squares, and  FunBites chocolate bread squares
B used to be a fairly picky eater until we introduced him to dipping, mainly in ranch dressing. Since then, he has really grown as an eater and we couldn't be happier. S is a really picky eater, sometimes to the point where she hardly eats at all. We have tried a variety of things with her, dipping sauces, fun plates, and the like. FunBites has made eating fun for her right now, because she loves "baby sized" anything and FunBites makes them "baby sized". Now that I know she will eat her regular food, we will start to try some veggies (her pure torture) in baby sized bites and see how it goes. Wish us luck! 

Want It? Buy It!
You can check out FunBites even more, click here. Follow FunBites on Twitter for quick updates and information. "Like" FunBites on Facebook for coupon codes and fan photos, make sure to say that MBP sent you, this is mandatory to enter the giveaway. You can also view videos of FunBites on YouTube. Visit here to see some fun ideas to use with your FunBites. You can also find FunBites in select Bed Bath and Beyond stores, click here to find one in your area. To contact FunBites for additional information, click here.

Want It? Win It!
Enter to win your choice of FunBites, squares or hearts. You must follow FunBites on Facebook to win. Just use the Rafflecopter entry form below to enter to win. Remember- if the entry field appears in BOLD, it's mandatory.

Thank you to Bobbie with FunBites for sharing such a neat food cutting tool with us and also our fantastic MBP readers!

Thanks and Good Luck!

Disclosure: Other than the above mentioned products, which I received directly from this sponsor for review purposes, I was not compensated for facilitating this review. All opinions expressed are my own. Your experience may differ. Mommy's Block Party and its team members are not responsible for prize fulfillment or shipment- this is the understood responsibility of the giveaway sponsor.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. i would choose the cube it

  2. I like the Heart Fun Bites
    Thank you for hosting this giveaway

    pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

  3. I like the square fun bites

  4. I like the heart funbites!


  5. the cube it

    catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

  6. Adorable! Sure beats cutting a grilled cheese sandwich into tiny pieces, myself! ~Ondria

  7. the heart one!

    ykatrina at hotmail dot com

  8. I like the square but they do have the option to buy both which is what i would do


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