This post is dedicated to all the moms out there!
I have always been a thin girl. Even at my heaviest, I was still pretty thin. Having a baby completely changed my body. While pregnant, there were certain parts of my body that I loved, and after Balian was born, I pretty much hated the way everything looked, until we got him on a regular feeding schedule, and the baby weight just sort of melted away, due to nursing. Today, Balian is a very active (soon to be) 18 month old, which means that I remain a very active mommy. I don't sit down very often (when I do, it's on the floor to play cars and trucks, or to write a blog post), and that's really played to my advantage. I don't have a lot of extra time to do the exercise programs I used to do very faithfully- and as far as eating goes, I pretty much eat whatever I want. I've somehow managed to drop two pant sizes since last summer- from a 6 to a 2. I am loving my body's shape, my tones muscles, etc... but one area remains a 'problem area' for me. Every mommy knows what it feels like to walk around with that little baby 'pooch.' That loose, stretched out skin, that's left your abdomen looking more like the jowls of a pug. My tummy used to be nice, flat and sculpted... I did Pilates six days a week and eventually, that gave me really nice-looking abs. Those days are gone, now, though- and for the longest time, I have been left feeling incredibly self-conscious about this pooch!
Loren Gasser
I thought that the only way I'd ever be able to see a flat tummy again would be to have a tummy tuck- which isn't really something I want to do. We plan to have at least one more baby in the next year or two, so that would still be a long way off. I have been reading a lot about the products offered by It Works! After being contacted by Independent It Works! Distributor, Loren Gasser, who offered up the chance for me to review The Ultimate Body Applicator, I jumped at the chance to try it- with my baby pooch in mind.
The Ultimate Body Applicator by It Works
Loren sent me one individual Ultimate Body Applicator (or wrap) from It Works, along with a measuring tape, to help me track my results. The Ultimate Body Applicator is one of It Works! best selling, most popular products, and it's easy to see why. The Ultimate Applicator is a body wrap- a thin sheet of plastic, covered with a layer of lotion, which contains herbs that absorb into the skin, and detoxify the body- leaving the wrapped area tightened and toned. Everyone that I talk to about the Ultimate Applicator seems skeptical... I, myself, even wondered how on earth this thing ended up making people lose several inches from their mid-sections. The proof would be in the pudding- which I was about to have a big, hearty helping of!
Ready to wrap: Ultimate Body Applicator, Measuring Tape and Plastic Wrap!
I decided to wrap myself when no one else was home. I needed time to really, truly review The Ultimate Applicator, and needed peace and quiet to do that! When the boys were out of the house for the evening, I pulled out everything I would need for my first wrapping: the Ultimate Body Applicator from It Works, the measuring tape, my instructions, and the plastic wrap. I had already changed into 'relaxed' clothing, and had been drinking lots of water (as instructed) all day long. I measured my waist, across my belly button and then my lower abs with the measuring tape that Loren sent to me.
My measurements before the wrap were:
Waist: 27"
Tummy (Measured around the belly button): 32"
Lower Abs: 33 1/2"
My BEFORE photo
My mid-section, all wrapped up...
So you can get the full effect of what it looks like to get wrapped!
I headed into the bathroom and snapped a few 'before' pictures of my tummy. I then followed the simple instructions that were included on the packaging of The Ultimate Body Applicator. I cleaned my skin with alcohol, took the wrap out of the packaging and unfolded it. I then placed the wrap (lotion side against my skin) over my tummy, and smoothed it into place. The next step was the difficult part... I pulled off long sheets of plastic wrap, and wrapped my tummy. I didn't wrap it too tightly- just tight enough to keep the wrap in place, without slipping for an hour. You absolutely do not have to use plastic wrap- you can use an ace bandage or even high-waisted pants to help keep the wrap in place. Just don't use too many extra layers of clothing. You do not want to be sweating while wearing the Ultimate Body Applicator from It Works. After that, I went about my business- worked on a few blog posts, and wore my wrap for about 1 hour.
Immediately after removing the Ultimate Body Applicator...
After the hour was up, I headed back into the bathroom and removed the plastic wrap. I carefully pulled off the Ultimate Body Applicator, and sort of wiped any of the remaining lotion off of the wrap, and massaged it into my skin... didn't want to waste the good stuff! I examined my tummy in the mirror, snapped some more pictures and just sort of stood in awe for a moment- because I saw immediate results from using the Ultimate Applicator! I had lost inches within just the first hour of using the wrap! My pooch appeared firmed up- still a little loose, but not nearly as 'poochy-looking' as it had been just an hour before!
My Measurements after wearing the wrap for 1 hour:
Waist: 27"
Belly Button/Tummy: 30 1/2"
Lower Abs: 32 1/2"
My Measurements 12 hours after using the wrap:
Waist: 27"
Belly Button/Tummy: 30"
Lower Abs: 32"
My Measurements 36 hours after using the wrap:
Waist: 27"
Belly Button/Tummy: 29 3/4"
Lower Abs: 31 1/2"
Now- it's important to note that the Ultimate Body Applicator will continue to detoxify the body for 72 hours, after you remove the wrap. So, this meant that I would still be measuring and tracking my total inches lost for the next few days. I couldn't wait to see my results the next day. I kept drinking lots of water to help maximize the results of my wrap session. As the next two to three days went by, I noticed more inches lost, and let me tell you- that was a great feeling! I lost over a total of 6 inches after three days from my initial wrap... and I have been able to keep those inches at bay! Yes- you can keep those inches off with a balanced diet, lots of water and by staying active. My pants are definitely a little roomier, and I've had to buy an extra small in a few tops- because the small sizes were just a little too flouncy for my liking.
Check out the BEFORE and AFTER pics side by side- you can definitely tell a difference in definition!
I love the results I saw from using the Ultimate Body Applicator from It Works, and have got to say a huge thank you to Loren for letting me try one! I have lots of friends who use the Ultimate Applicator- many of them use one a week to help maintain a tight, toned tummy. You can wrap every 72 hours, if you like, and you can use the wrap on just about any area of the body your heart desires. My mom and my grandmother were both intrigued my results, and now, they both want to try the Ultimate Body Applicator for themselves! My husband even wants to try one! That's right- these wraps are for men and women, and they have been changing lives- one applicator at a time.
Of course, It Works has tons of other great products that I want to try...
Defining Gel
Chin/Neck Applicator
Facial Applicator
(I have tried this and LOVE IT! Try this if you're looking for an instant face-lift!)
I will absolutely be using The Ultimate Body Applicator again before we head to the beach in just seven weeks for family vacation. It will be a new Applicator- they are intended for one time use. If you're looking for a wonderful, safe, effortless way to tighten, tone, and lose a few extra inches, give the Ultimate Applicator from It Works a try! You'll be so pleased by your results! If you're looking for a unique gifts for Mother's Day, why not purchase a pack of the Ultimate Applicators (they come 4 in a pack) and split them up- giving them to the special gals in your life? Make it a party- get together with your mom, sister, friends, and have a little wrap/spa session. Mother's Day is a great time to get pampered together!
Want It? Buy It!
You can purchase the Ultimate Applicator, and many other wonderful It Works products by visiting Loren's It Works website! Be sure to look around and check out all of the awesome products, packages and bundles, read up on info, and see all of the amazing before and after photos of REAL, satisfied It Works customers! If you have any questions about the products, need assistance in making a purchase, or if you'd like more info on how you can join Loren's team, just contact Loren. She's a sweet mommy, and she'd love to chat with you! Be sure to become a fan of Loren's It Works FB page, to stay up to date on the latest products and deals!
Want It? Win It!
One lucky reader will win their very own Ultimate Body Applicator from It Works by Loren! Woo Hoo! If you've been wanting to try one of these wraps, this is your chance! Just use the Rafflecopter entry form below to enter for your chance to win!
Special thanks to Loren Gasser for allowing me to try the Ultimate Applicator, which I am now a huge fan of! And thanks also to Loren, for offering this wonderful giveaway to our readers!
Good luck to all who enter to win the Ultimate Body Applicator!
Disclosure: Other than the Ultimate Applicator, which I received free of charge from this distributor for review purposes, I was not compensated for facilitating this review. All opinions expressed are my own. Your experience may differ.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I have always been a thin girl. Even at my heaviest, I was still pretty thin. Having a baby completely changed my body. While pregnant, there were certain parts of my body that I loved, and after Balian was born, I pretty much hated the way everything looked, until we got him on a regular feeding schedule, and the baby weight just sort of melted away, due to nursing. Today, Balian is a very active (soon to be) 18 month old, which means that I remain a very active mommy. I don't sit down very often (when I do, it's on the floor to play cars and trucks, or to write a blog post), and that's really played to my advantage. I don't have a lot of extra time to do the exercise programs I used to do very faithfully- and as far as eating goes, I pretty much eat whatever I want. I've somehow managed to drop two pant sizes since last summer- from a 6 to a 2. I am loving my body's shape, my tones muscles, etc... but one area remains a 'problem area' for me. Every mommy knows what it feels like to walk around with that little baby 'pooch.' That loose, stretched out skin, that's left your abdomen looking more like the jowls of a pug. My tummy used to be nice, flat and sculpted... I did Pilates six days a week and eventually, that gave me really nice-looking abs. Those days are gone, now, though- and for the longest time, I have been left feeling incredibly self-conscious about this pooch!
Loren Gasser
I thought that the only way I'd ever be able to see a flat tummy again would be to have a tummy tuck- which isn't really something I want to do. We plan to have at least one more baby in the next year or two, so that would still be a long way off. I have been reading a lot about the products offered by It Works! After being contacted by Independent It Works! Distributor, Loren Gasser, who offered up the chance for me to review The Ultimate Body Applicator, I jumped at the chance to try it- with my baby pooch in mind.
The Ultimate Body Applicator by It Works
Loren sent me one individual Ultimate Body Applicator (or wrap) from It Works, along with a measuring tape, to help me track my results. The Ultimate Body Applicator is one of It Works! best selling, most popular products, and it's easy to see why. The Ultimate Applicator is a body wrap- a thin sheet of plastic, covered with a layer of lotion, which contains herbs that absorb into the skin, and detoxify the body- leaving the wrapped area tightened and toned. Everyone that I talk to about the Ultimate Applicator seems skeptical... I, myself, even wondered how on earth this thing ended up making people lose several inches from their mid-sections. The proof would be in the pudding- which I was about to have a big, hearty helping of!
Ready to wrap: Ultimate Body Applicator, Measuring Tape and Plastic Wrap!
I decided to wrap myself when no one else was home. I needed time to really, truly review The Ultimate Applicator, and needed peace and quiet to do that! When the boys were out of the house for the evening, I pulled out everything I would need for my first wrapping: the Ultimate Body Applicator from It Works, the measuring tape, my instructions, and the plastic wrap. I had already changed into 'relaxed' clothing, and had been drinking lots of water (as instructed) all day long. I measured my waist, across my belly button and then my lower abs with the measuring tape that Loren sent to me.
My measurements before the wrap were:
Waist: 27"
Tummy (Measured around the belly button): 32"
Lower Abs: 33 1/2"
My BEFORE photo
My mid-section, all wrapped up...
So you can get the full effect of what it looks like to get wrapped!
I headed into the bathroom and snapped a few 'before' pictures of my tummy. I then followed the simple instructions that were included on the packaging of The Ultimate Body Applicator. I cleaned my skin with alcohol, took the wrap out of the packaging and unfolded it. I then placed the wrap (lotion side against my skin) over my tummy, and smoothed it into place. The next step was the difficult part... I pulled off long sheets of plastic wrap, and wrapped my tummy. I didn't wrap it too tightly- just tight enough to keep the wrap in place, without slipping for an hour. You absolutely do not have to use plastic wrap- you can use an ace bandage or even high-waisted pants to help keep the wrap in place. Just don't use too many extra layers of clothing. You do not want to be sweating while wearing the Ultimate Body Applicator from It Works. After that, I went about my business- worked on a few blog posts, and wore my wrap for about 1 hour.
Immediately after removing the Ultimate Body Applicator...
After the hour was up, I headed back into the bathroom and removed the plastic wrap. I carefully pulled off the Ultimate Body Applicator, and sort of wiped any of the remaining lotion off of the wrap, and massaged it into my skin... didn't want to waste the good stuff! I examined my tummy in the mirror, snapped some more pictures and just sort of stood in awe for a moment- because I saw immediate results from using the Ultimate Applicator! I had lost inches within just the first hour of using the wrap! My pooch appeared firmed up- still a little loose, but not nearly as 'poochy-looking' as it had been just an hour before!
My Measurements after wearing the wrap for 1 hour:
Waist: 27"
Belly Button/Tummy: 30 1/2"
Lower Abs: 32 1/2"
My Measurements 12 hours after using the wrap:
Waist: 27"
Belly Button/Tummy: 30"
Lower Abs: 32"
My Measurements 36 hours after using the wrap:
Waist: 27"
Belly Button/Tummy: 29 3/4"
Lower Abs: 31 1/2"
Now- it's important to note that the Ultimate Body Applicator will continue to detoxify the body for 72 hours, after you remove the wrap. So, this meant that I would still be measuring and tracking my total inches lost for the next few days. I couldn't wait to see my results the next day. I kept drinking lots of water to help maximize the results of my wrap session. As the next two to three days went by, I noticed more inches lost, and let me tell you- that was a great feeling! I lost over a total of 6 inches after three days from my initial wrap... and I have been able to keep those inches at bay! Yes- you can keep those inches off with a balanced diet, lots of water and by staying active. My pants are definitely a little roomier, and I've had to buy an extra small in a few tops- because the small sizes were just a little too flouncy for my liking.
Check out the BEFORE and AFTER pics side by side- you can definitely tell a difference in definition!
I love the results I saw from using the Ultimate Body Applicator from It Works, and have got to say a huge thank you to Loren for letting me try one! I have lots of friends who use the Ultimate Applicator- many of them use one a week to help maintain a tight, toned tummy. You can wrap every 72 hours, if you like, and you can use the wrap on just about any area of the body your heart desires. My mom and my grandmother were both intrigued my results, and now, they both want to try the Ultimate Body Applicator for themselves! My husband even wants to try one! That's right- these wraps are for men and women, and they have been changing lives- one applicator at a time.
Of course, It Works has tons of other great products that I want to try...
Defining Gel
Chin/Neck Applicator
Facial Applicator
(I have tried this and LOVE IT! Try this if you're looking for an instant face-lift!)
I will absolutely be using The Ultimate Body Applicator again before we head to the beach in just seven weeks for family vacation. It will be a new Applicator- they are intended for one time use. If you're looking for a wonderful, safe, effortless way to tighten, tone, and lose a few extra inches, give the Ultimate Applicator from It Works a try! You'll be so pleased by your results! If you're looking for a unique gifts for Mother's Day, why not purchase a pack of the Ultimate Applicators (they come 4 in a pack) and split them up- giving them to the special gals in your life? Make it a party- get together with your mom, sister, friends, and have a little wrap/spa session. Mother's Day is a great time to get pampered together!
Want It? Buy It!
You can purchase the Ultimate Applicator, and many other wonderful It Works products by visiting Loren's It Works website! Be sure to look around and check out all of the awesome products, packages and bundles, read up on info, and see all of the amazing before and after photos of REAL, satisfied It Works customers! If you have any questions about the products, need assistance in making a purchase, or if you'd like more info on how you can join Loren's team, just contact Loren. She's a sweet mommy, and she'd love to chat with you! Be sure to become a fan of Loren's It Works FB page, to stay up to date on the latest products and deals!
Want It? Win It!
One lucky reader will win their very own Ultimate Body Applicator from It Works by Loren! Woo Hoo! If you've been wanting to try one of these wraps, this is your chance! Just use the Rafflecopter entry form below to enter for your chance to win!
Special thanks to Loren Gasser for allowing me to try the Ultimate Applicator, which I am now a huge fan of! And thanks also to Loren, for offering this wonderful giveaway to our readers!
Good luck to all who enter to win the Ultimate Body Applicator!
Disclosure: Other than the Ultimate Applicator, which I received free of charge from this distributor for review purposes, I was not compensated for facilitating this review. All opinions expressed are my own. Your experience may differ.
Really hope to win, would LOVE to try this!
ReplyDeleteI would love to win it for my thighs..I'm working on a boat this summer and would love to have nice legs
ReplyDeleteIm SO excited about this!!! I am a 23 yr old mother of 5 children all under the age of 6, I try to workout and eat right at the same time as going to school and working but seems really hard to lose the weight. My body is DEFINETLY NOT what it used to be and I have so many questions that I would like to ask especially about the business opportunity so that I can share this with my workout group, friends and family. Goodluck to all of you who entered this giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI want to see how well it works :)
ReplyDeleteCan I say HONEYMOON!!
ReplyDeletei'd love to give it a go before our reunion this summer
ReplyDeleteohradishes44 at gmail
omg! Love your results!! I so need this! I am so tired of the 4 babies pouch and nothing is toning it!
ReplyDeleteI've been looking for a review like this EVERYWHERE! Thank you so much for taking the time to do this review, I've been on a hunt for some from people outside of the company because all it seems I could ever find was reviews from distributors! So thank you again : )
ReplyDeleteI entered the raffle ha ha hope I win!
Love the review want to know what it could do for me!!!
ReplyDeletelove to win for my sister shes having heaps of trouble getting rid of baby excess weight
ReplyDeleteI would like to win because if you saw me, you'd understand...I need an all over lift
ReplyDeletesandy1955 at comcast dot net
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAny new mothers out that that would like to lose that mommy tummy? Tired of the creams loaded with synthetic products that just DON'T WORK? well try our Ultimate Body Applicater from the creators of It Works Global. See those results you've been looking for. For more information about this product and many more email me at or check out my website at
ReplyDeleteI would like to win because I have that mommy tummy after having 2 c-sections. Also I have already tried one and I was a "toxic bloater". They say it can take up to 3 wraps before I see anything lost... But, my stretch marks are lighter.
ReplyDeleteI would like to win this for my daughter who is going to have a baby soon. Thank you for this giveaway. :)Jeanne
ReplyDeletewould LOVE to win this! Just had a baby and NEED some help for bathing suit season!! :)
ReplyDeleteI have been working out for a few months and have not have much of the results.. I'd love to try it and look better this summer!
ReplyDelete3 kids in 3 years is all I have to say. I would love to try this for my tummy =)
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited to see so many of you entered to win the Ultimate Body Applicator! Remember, if you don't win, check out my website to order a pack of 4 for only $59!
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited to see so many of you entered to win the Ultimate Body Applicator! Remember, if you don't win, check out my website to order a pack of 4 for only $59!
ReplyDeleteI would like to try this but can't find your website
DeleteYou can try a skinny wrap - Just visit:
ReplyDeleteYou can try a skinny wrap - Just visit:
ReplyDeleteI would like to win..I'm paying $40 per month for some diet pills trying to lose my tummy...
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI would love to win this. New mommy with a a pooch. Never had this problem before. I am very active and cant seem to lose the pooch. Email me at if I win please
ReplyDeletecheck out I am having a FREE GIVEAWAY for a BODY WRAP!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to know if the results stayed off for as long as the say, 2-6 months. I used them and the inches just came back, even though I ate normally, drank more water and stopped drinking anything with carbination like soda and beer. I did drop an inch or 2 but to keep that loss off, I had to keep wrapping. I never saw any lasting results. Inches would come back after about a week, no weight gain, just inches coming back. I did notice that I lost in one place but gained in another, then after a week, it was as it was before..
ReplyDeleteI think it is just sad that one distributor was reviewed and offered a wrap and other distributors are stepping on her toes and being cut throat. Loren was spot lighted. If this is how the company works, then I don't want any part of it.
ReplyDeleteDon't judge all of us distributors based upon a few!
ReplyDeleteAt age 57,,I sure could use something that works and is also afordable. My fingers are crossed :-)
ReplyDeleteI would love to try in win this after having a c section in trying to loose this belly I would love to win this.
ReplyDeleteI would love to try in win this after having a c section in trying to loose this belly I would love to win this.
ReplyDeleteI have been trying and I'm just not getting these results! I will do my third wrap tonight and pray but odds are my measurements will still be the same:(
ReplyDeleteI have been trying and I'm just not getting these results! I will do my third wrap tonight and pray but odds are my measurements will still be the same:(