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Stop SOPA!

I'm joining in with my fellow mom blogger friends and encouraging everyone to let their voice be heard regarding the SOPA Act. I don't usually get involved in these kinds of political issues, but since the passing of this bill could have a direct impact on THIS BLOG and all other blogs that you love, support and enjoy, I figured I'd better put my two cents in. From what I understand, if the internet is censored (ie, SOPA passes), anyone who makes a complaint against anything on any blog or website contributes to the shut down of the site. If someone leaves a link in your comment section that goes to copyrighted material, that blog or site can be shut down. Sites and blogs can be shut down without warning, and with no proof. Blogs that bring you awesome reviews, giveaways and more can just disappear.

Now, here at MBP, we do everything in our power to be sure that we're following all the rules and guidelines of the FTC (which are forever changing) and so on. We don't copy people's stuff, we write our own posts, share our own opinions and the only photos we borrow are logos or product photos, with permission. I'd love to say that if SOPA passes, we have nothing to worry about, but who really knows? There are so many lines of red tape across every act and bill and law, that even when you think you've covered all of your bases, you're bound to have missed something.

We need your help! Help us and help our fellow bloggers who truly have a passion for blogging- who truly care about giving back to others and aren't just into writing reviews to 'get the free stuff.' Help those of us who want to make this world a better place by lending a hand to those in need. Our blog is our outlet, it's how we connect with moms and friends all over the globe, and for me- it's really become a huge labor of love. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion regarding the SOPA Act, but seriously, enough is enough. This is a place where I've never felt that I needed to censor myself- a place where I could just be... ME, and I don't want it to be taken away, nor do I want the blogs of any of my friends to pulled out from under them.

 Image Credit: Google

To read up on what the SOPA Act is all about, go here
And to join the online petition to STOP SOPA, go here.

Let your voice be heard! 
Your MBP friends and bloggers everywhere need your help and support!
"End Piracy, Not Liberty!"



  1. Hopped over from twitter where I am following you & here too. I signed the petition the other day & sent a letter to congress. Hope you have a great weekend ahead! going to visit a bit before leaving. Stop by some time @ DearCreatives.com & @DearCreatives on twitter. Going to check out your recipe share...

  2. Signed the petition ... and shared on google+ Don't quite understand why this legistature is even happening but it's important to me and to many that this bill does not come to pass

    Thanks so much,


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