Hi everyone! It's been a few days since I've been able to get on here and write a personal post, just to say hello. We've been incredibly busy at our house this week, and the weekend will probably be just as busy. I've put up all of my patriotic decor in preparation for the weekend... how about you? Balian helped my place the bunting on the porch and hang the flag and our star wreath. :) I had a lot of great products hit my porch this week, and I'll be sharing those with you starting next week when we begin the home and garden feature. I still have a few more items of fluff to share with you, first, though.
Hubby and I had our first date night in a very long time last night. We enjoyed dinner at Outback, and then went to see the new Transformers movie. If you've been thinking about seeing that one, I'd say it's worth seeing it in theatres. I didn't really want to see it, by was actually pleasantly surprised and entertained the whole time. The movie moved well, threw a lot of surprises, and the new girl isn't nearly as annoying as Megan Fox. So, if you're looking for something fun to do this weekend, go see it!
We don't have big plans this weekend. We've got a consignment sale to hit before the end of the day today, and then I hope to spend some time working in the yard tomorrow. Sunday is a big day at church, as we're having a community wide service of liberty. Don't know about Monday, but I'm sure we'll end up having some sort of cookout and watching fireworks. It's Balian's first 4th... so we have to make it fun for him!
I hope you all have a very enjoyable, and safe 4th of July weekend. God bless each one of you, and God bless America.
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