Yes, just three weeks to go until Balian's due date of Oct. 5th. Wow- just three more weeks. Seems like just yesterday the pregnancy test was blinking 'pregnant' at me in our Maryland apartment, and now here we are... months later, in NC and just about ready for this little guy to make his grand entrance into the world. Still, who knows when labor will begin. Could be tonight, tomorrow or next week... or maybe even when it's supposed to be!
Sacha and I have both been busier than ever. I am in nesting mode- no doubt about that. At 37 weeks, I should have most everything done that needs to be done before our son comes home to live with us, yet I am finding more and more to do with each passing day. I wish the house would just stop getting messy and dusty for the next... year! I usually love to clean, but bending over to reach anything near-ish to the ground is proving to be more and more difficult with each passing day. I can't seem to be able to keep the kitchen clean for some reason. When I get little energy bursts, I get in there and start cooking... or baking. Last week, I decided to make some bread from scratch... for the first time, ever. Made a yummy cinnamon bread loaf, and a honey wheat loaf, too. Cookie dough will be on my list for tomorrow... figure I'll make it and freeze it- just so it'll be on hand when needed. I have leftover chicken in the 'fridge, which is now waiting for me to turn it into a pot pie or casserole... also to be frozen. I keep saying I'll get around to cooking, baking and freezing more and more things, but since I can only stand for so long before I end up with dino feet, I never get as much accomplished as I set out to!
We finally have a crib for the nursery. Used... like new, with the mattress and all. Sacha plans to stain it, eventually. Not worth doing right now. I'm just happy that the crib is together, along with the room... it finally looks like a baby's room! :) Now, all it needs is a little inhabitant. That will happen in due time.
I have a lovely cold. Woke up with it on Friday morning. Not sure where it came from and I am trying desperately not to get Sacha sick. I am praying that Balian stays in his cozy home, which is my womb until this cold has ceased to be. This is the third nasty cold I have had since becoming pregnant. I think I'd rather have morning sickness! Colds and pregnancy so do not mix... esp. because you're pretty much screwed when it comes to being able to take anything that will knock it out! Oh, well... just letting it run its course and hoping it wins the race. The worst thing about being sick like this is not being able to sing. How I love singing! We had our first Women's Ensemble rehearsal of the year at the church yesterday afternoon, and are going to be working on some very nice pieces, which I am excited about. Sacha started his rehearsals with the youth brass group, which he is directing. I believe he had five kids at the rehearsal. Sacha also resumed rehearsals with the Men's Chorus yesterday, which he enjoys being a part of. You know us... we love music and we love our church. Serving God & sharing our gifts brings joy to our hearts.
I'm being thrown a baby shower this Sunday afternoon, and am looking forward to spending time with some lovely ladies from the church choir. I've been hearing all about how much fun it's going to be... can't wait! And now- I must rest. I've been told to rest several times today, and have yet to actually attempt to do that... so, here it goes. Hopefully, a good night's sleep is just moments away. Hope you all get some good rest, too... I know I'm not the only one who needs it. More another time... maybe after we go to the Dr. for our check up on Wednesday.
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