Oh, the things people say to pregnant women! I knew I should have started keeping a journal of comments right from the very beginning of this pregnancy. I'd just like to thank those of you who continually tell me that I'm looking good and well- a healthy, pregnant momma to a baby boy who is rapidly growing! It's sad to say goodbye to some of the maternity clothes I've enjoyed wearing the past few months... b/c they're getting to be too small. Here we are at 8 months- me, feeling like a turkey in the oven on Thanksgiving Day, ready for the timer to pop! I don't mind comments like, 'It won't be long...,' because that just gets me thinking that it won't be long until I get to meet my new little man. But- for some reason, I do happen to mind comments like, 'You haven't had that baby yet?' and "You look like you need to be gettin' to the hospital!'
It's hard to adjust to being 'bigger' during pregnancy, esp. when you've never been anything more than a size 6 in your lifetime. If I tried to squeeze into a regular pair of jeans right now- just to see what size I'd need, I'd have no idea where to even start! Now, I'll admit that I started off exercising strong when I found out I was pregnant... kept up my normal routine until being on my back was a no-no, and I had to say 'goodbye' to Pilates (how I miss Pilates!). Since moving back to Salisbury, my exercise has been minimal- because of back pain, lack of space to move around and it just being so dang HOT outside! I decided this morning that I'd better try to get my 30 minutes in every day from now until baby gets here. I should have been doing it all along- room or no room, hot or not. I need toned muscles to help with delivery, and for a faster recovery! So, that is my pledge... to truly exercise every day and hope that it will help ease the back pain, the sore hips and might even make me sleep better- 'cause it hasn't been good!
In other news, there's not a whole lot to tell. We're still enjoying our Lamaze classes... toured the LDR & Post wings with the class on Tuesday. RRMC has a lovely Women's & Children's Center. The rooms hardly look like hospital rooms, so hopefully, we'll think of it as a very uncomfortable, but cozy hotel stay... with lot's of ice chips. :) I plan to get whatever else I may need for my personal bag & get that packed up this weekend. Next will be the other stuff. You know me- I like to be prepared well in advance. Balian's room is coming to some sort of order. We still don't have a crib- and might just wait on it (even though I want that room finished!) since he'll be sleeping in the bassinet in our bedroom for the first month or two. I put his bouncy seat (from his Grandma Leslie, Grandpa Rob, Great Grammy Alice, Aunt Britt and Uncle Cory) together all by myself the other day. I felt so accomplished! He's going to love that chair! Most everything else is put away at this point, which is good- b/c baby shower #2 isn't far off, either!
Sacha and I have our first rehearsal/meeting with Derek and the St. John's Youth Band tonight. I so wish I had more energy to put into right now! We have a HUGE praise and worship event at church this Sunday night, which I'm seriously looking forward to... but also wishing I had more energy for! It's all in the Lord's hands- He gives me what He knows I can handle... which at this moment, is evidently quite a lot. So it goes! And now, I am just watching the clock, waiting for it to be time for lunch, because I am extremely hungry! :) Hope everyone has a super fantastic day!
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