Well, another holiday has come and gone- summer is almost seeming to do the same. Can't say that it would upset me if it went by a little faster. It's hot, hot, hot here in North Carolina...and just about everywhere else. You can imagine my daily dealings with discomfort! I'm trying to stay cool and doing my best to stay inside now that I have caught the cold that has been going around from family member to family member for the past 3-4 weeks! Being pregnant in this heat ain't fun- and neither is having a bad cold on top of it! I tried so hard to avoid having to take any OTC medicines, but finally broke down yesterday and called my OB, asking what was safe to take. Sudafed to the rescue! Now, if only it would begin to work!
We had a nice 4th of July weekend. Last Friday, we packed a picnic and headed to Village Park in Kannapolis for a free concert put on by the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra. They played lot's of fun, patriotic tunes that were very enjoyable to listen to. After the concert, there was a fireworks display, which was also enjoyable. We laid low on Saturday, as Sacha was still trying to get over the crud he's had for two weeks, now. Sunday was a big to-do at church. After the early service, we had an awesome traditional service. Sacha played in a brass trio, which was really wonderful. That afternoon, we spent time at mom and dad's house...with Gram and Molly, too. We grilled burgers and such and played a three hour game of Phase 10.
I've been feeling mostly cruddy this week. Gram and Molly came to spend the night at our house on Tuesday, and we had a nice visit...and some delicious food! Gram and I tried to sit out on the porch and enjoy it before it got too hot outside on Wednesday morning. Sacha and I have been trying to take care of baby details this week- registering for Lamaze classes, hospital tour, etc. I'll get to go for my sugar test next week... big yay. Baby Witt is still kicking and moving around like crazy- he did the wave in my belly earlier on this week, which was really cool and weird at the same time. Sacha signed up to take a four day class next week to get his teaching certificate for NC schools- this way, he'll be able to sub if he wants/needs to.
That's really all the news there is to share for now. I'll update again soon. Here are a few pictures for your enjoyment...
Me (and baby) and Rachel at the park on July 2nd
Butterfly enjoying the lantana on our front porch
Front of the house- to the side
Front of the house...
We didn't exactly intend for this bed to be almost entirely yellow...but we like it, anyway!
Bed on the other side of the front walk... with more color and more of a grass problem!
More yellow! Black Eyed Susan...
Happy to see Mr. Bumble pollinating away...
Missy Molly at our house- happy as can be!
Front room of the house (Dining room)
What you see dead ahead when you walk in our front door.
More later, friends and fam! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
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