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Shower Recap and Other Ramblings...

Well, as usual, it has been quite some time since my last post. I would say 'sorry,' but truth be told, I am mostly exhausted and expect you, my dear friends and fam will forgive me anyway.

Big week last week. We started our Lamaze classes last Tuesday. We go to the hospital- RRMC (where I'll be huffin', puffin' and pushin' in a few weeks) every Tuesday night through mid September for a series of five classes. Last week was a general get to know you kind of thing. Our instructor is really nice, and funny. We're in the class with about seven other couples, and I just might be the oldest momma in there! The class is from 6:00 - 8:30 p.m.- yeah... long time, but we get snacks and a potty break, so it's all good. Lot's of helpful information being given, which I am glad for. Sacha seems to be enjoying the class, too- so that is pleasing, as well. We spent the last 30 minutes of class breathing and working on relaxation techniques. I desperately need the relaxation techniques. Most of you know that I am horrible at relaxing. :) So, we'll go back to class tonight and do it all over again.


...so, I'm sitting at home, working on a few projects last Thursday when I get a call from my dad saying he was heading in to town (had already been in town and gone home, or so I thought) for a meeting or something, and was going to pop by by house for a few. Thought nothing of it- he came in, I got him some refreshing peach water, we sat down and chatted for about 5 minutes, and then who comes walking up to the door, but my mom... followed by non other than Britt and Cory (my sister and her hub, for those who may not know)! Now, here's the thing... Britt had been planning a baby shower for me since about the moment she found out I was pregnant. She planned everything all the way out in Oklahoma, where she and Cory live. She had planned to be here for the shower, but told me several weeks ago that it was looking like she definitely wasn't going to get to come because it was just going to be too expensive. I was sad, of course, but understanding. She just told me that mom was going to handle everything and have my mother-in-law and some of Sacha's family help out, too. I was cool with that, said I was staying out of it and left it to them. So, imagine my surprise when Britt and Cory showed up at my house on Thursday! They had known for a couple of weeks that they were going to be coming to NC, after all... and only my parents and grandmother knew they were coming. It was the best present of all- to have them here. All throughout my pregnancy, I have been longing for my sister to be here. We've gone through all of life's big moments together, and not having her around to see my belly grow and poke fun at me has been really hard. Sheesh- here I go, crying, already missing her because she came and left so quickly! BUT- Having her here with Cory (and Buddy!) for a few days was wonderful.

My baby shower took place on Saturday, and boy, was it fun! It was so great to celebrate with family and friends- especially those I hadn't seen in quite some time. Veronica came up for the weekend from G-ville, and brought her beau with her, so it was great to see her and to meet him, as well. Sacha, Cory and Nico went to the movies and had guy time while we gushed over stuff at the shower. The shower was held at the church, and it was all decked out in a Noah's Ark theme. Britt really found some adorable things to decorate with and pulled it all together very nicely. All of the food was quite yummy- candies, chicken salad in pastry shells, pistachio salad, fruit... in a baby carriage carved out of a watermelon, veggies, and an adorable Noah's Ark cake with tiered cupcakes all around it. Chatted with guests, and then took my seat of honor... and munched on snacks and yummy stuff. Britt had us play Baby Why and Because... a baby related version of a game my family made up and has been playing for years. She had prizes for those who came up with the best questions and answers. It was a cute way to play the game and we had some good laughs! We spent quite a long time opening gifts- wonderful gifts! Balian received lot's of outfits, bouncy seats, a Boppy pillow, a swing, ton's of care items, books, toys, gift cards, and so much more... too much to name! We are so thankful for those who have given gifts for the baby- he is already totally spoiled! He knows I'm talking about him... he just gave me a swift kick in the ribs. :) We had help getting everything home, and then, of course, Sacha wanted to look through everything. He and the other guys did end up at the shower toward the very end and we let Sacha open the cards w/gift cards in them... the more manly gifts. So, we looked through stuff and then completely crashed- we were all tired from a very long and exciting day.


...rolled around and it was up & at 'em early. Enjoyed leading worship at Center Celebration. It was great to have Britt there- singing with the worship team, like old times. After that service ended, it was on to the late service, where I sang and led the congregation in singing 'Find Us Faithful.' We enjoyed our worship at that service, and then we all headed to Gram's for lunch! Uncle Dan and Aunt Susan had come up on Saturday for the shower, so they spent the night at Gram's and we all enjoyed a lunch of KFC, played some games and had a little visit. After we departed, we went back to mom and dad's house to spend a little more time with Britt and Cory. The boys played video games, and the rest of us chatted.


...was a long day, as well. Had lunch w/dad, Britt, Cory and Sacha, and then we all (minus dad) headed to Babies R Us to cash in some giftcards to purchase our travel system for Balian. Hallelujah... the boy has a car seat and a stroller! We had a mix up with a coupon... long story, but we figured it out. Ended up only having to pay about $14.00 out of pocket for a $200.00 stroller set. Yes- we were very excited about this. We went to Center Celebration rehearsal, Sacha left early to go teach a trombone lesson, and then we headed to mom and dad's house to have dinner and then had to say goodbye to Britt and Cory. They were leaving at 3:00 this morning (Tuesday) and needed to get to bed for a few hours of sleep. 16 hours is a LONG car trip! Saying goodbye is always sad, but we are so happy that we got to see them and spend a few days with them. We're looking forward to them coming home for a week or so after Christmas.

And so we come to today, Tuesday... I have been trying to organize the baby gifts today. We woke up to a package on the front porch from Sacha's Aunt Amy and Maryanne- a box filled with baby clothes, toys, and other goodies for baby B! I decided to wash all of the brand new clothes we received- enough for a full load of clothes! I dried them, folded them, organized them by size and put them away. I now feel exhausted just from doing that, and having done some other chores around the house today. My energy is zapped much more easily than ever before. I'd love to take a nap before going to Lamaze, but we have to be there in an hour and a half, so I doubt that'll happen. I have more washing to do- maybe tomorrow... blankets, wash cloths, bibs, burb-cloths, cloth diapers, socks, booties... you name it, I need to get it washed and put away. Sacha put the stroller/carrier together before he left the house for work this morning. He was just so excited about it that he just couldn't wait until later to put it together! I took a picture and will have to post it later... so cute. We plan to order the baby's crib this week, too- so he'll have lot's more to assemble in the coming week or two. At 33 weeks pregnant, it won't be much longer until I reach full term, and the baby's birthday is anybody's guess after that. And I am just about READY to have this baby. I mean, my aching body is ready to give birth... and we're so excited about Balian coming that we go to bed just about every night, hands on my belly, looking at each other and saying, 'He's ours... for always.' Yeah, we're sappy like that- totally can't help it. We're in love with this little dude we've never met, and can't wait to hold him in our arms... and for all of you to meet him, too. :)

More next time. Baby shower pictures are on Facebook already, in the Oh, Baby album. And yes- I'm huge... deal with it- I have to. ;)

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