Do you live in a house that is a little tight on space to say the least, and you’re starting to feel a little bad that the kids don’t have as much playing space as you’d like (or they’re just massively getting in the way of the kitchen and living room, and you’d prefer a separate play room for them)? Have you ever thought about doing a little attic or loft conversion with Visionary Lofts? These can be super fun and exciting for the kids and can be done pretty quickly without spending too much money: here’s how:
1) Firstly, you’re going to want to have a massive clear out. You’ll need to find alternate storage for everything that was up there to start with. When doing this, it might be a good time to go through everything. Throw away or donate what is not needed and has just been sitting up there for years.
2) Have a look around to make sure the whole place is stable and is holding up well. You’ll want to pay particular attention to the roof because if the roof is damaged, the attic is the last place you’ll want to be! If there is any light coming through or any signs of weather damage get that repaired by a place like triumph roofing and construction before you go on to do anything else at this point. Then come back to it!
3) Give the place a massive clean. It’s going to be so dusty up there from never being cleaned and before you can get any vision of the site, cleaning it is so important! Once it’s all clean, give the whole place a bit of a paint job. Go for a beautiful color that your kids will love, really make it special for them!
4) Deal with this how you will depending on your situation. But if it is dark up there, you’ll need to sort it out. They won’t enjoy being in a place that’s dark and then won’t spend time up there (not the aim)! If you can get a window in, go for it. Otherwise, you’ll need a lot of lights in there! If you go for a cozy feel, it might work a bit better. Try hanging loads of fairy lights as well as some main lights.
5) Put a carpet down for the kids or otherwise fill it with loads of rugs. You don’t want the attic to feel like an attic anymore, and also you don’t want them getting loads of splinters up there!
6) Now you’ll want a safe way for the kids to get up there. You’ll have to look at getting some stairs with backing so they can’t fall through! Although, they will probably love having a ladder as it will feel like quite the adventure, going up there! So this bit is totally your choice.
7) Fill it with their favorite things! Get all their toys up there, throw in a few blankets maybe and make it their own. They’ll absolutely love it, and it will get them out of the way when you’re trying to cool for a little while!

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